Liams POV
Todays our last day at the beach and I cant believe I have to go to take care of a meeting. What am I going to do with the boys? If I take them with me I'll never finish the meeting. I guess I'm just going to have to put one of them in charge but which one?
I can hear alot of noise so I know the boys are up. I have an hour before I have to go so I guess I'll just observe them to see which is the most mature today. I walk into Louis and Harrys' room and see it empty. Thats Impossible! I just heard all the noise coming from here.
I cautiously strolled to Zand Nialls room only to see Harry and Niall on Niall's bed texting "Good morning boys" I say "good morning" they reply in unison. I smile and walk out to find the other two. I start to head out to the kitchen. No one here. Living room I wonder? nope not there either. UGH
Then I hear a whisper "shut up louis, he'll hear us" I head back over to Louis' room, where the sound was coming from. UGH EMPTY. where are they? I scan the room and see the closet closed. AHA now I've got them "HMM I WONDER WHERE LOUIS AND ZAYN ARE?" I shout convincingly
I swiftly open the handles of the closet. I stare at the empty floor. they're not here? I notice a rope tied around the inner handle of the closet door. Before I can begin to examin it. I hear something, I look up and to my horror a plastic bucket was falling straight towards my face. I reach to catch it but as it turns in the air at least A POUND of spaghetti comes flying towards my face! I stand there in pure shock completly covered in spaghetti. It wouldnt have been such a huge deal if I didnt have to go to a meeting in about 40 minutes!
Then I heard running through the hall coming this way mixed with laughter, I knew who it was before they even got here but what I didnt expect is what happened next. Louis came running into the room with Zayn on his shoulders screaming SUPERMAAAAAN, "THERE YOU ARE, IM COVERED IN SPAGHETTI" I scream Zayn replies with a sly grin "don't worry bro, I got you" he pulles out a cheese spray from behind his back and shoots.
I cover my eyes as I'm being covered with the cheesy liquid, Louis is laughing hystarically but still able to keep zayn on his shoulders after what seemed like forever the cheese stopped coming towards me, I cant see right now but I hear zayns voice say "Louis I'm out of cheese, lets go!" Louis runs out the room with Zayn still on his back.
I storm out to get them they were hysterically laughing while laying on the couch. I grab their ears with my hand. I was about to scold them when Harry and Niall come out of the room. they were coming our way Niall started by saying "Whats all the noise ab-WHOAH LIAM WHAT HAPPENED?" I glare at Louis and Zayn and growl "ask them" Harry starts bursting into laughter which only begins the dominoe effect as Zayn laughs and Louis follows after him.
Niall asks in a soft voice "are you okay LiLi?" I give him a half hearted smile as I'm still angry with the other boys "I'm fine baby, we'll all talk after I take a shower" he nods and heads back to his room I take Zayn and Louis' ears once again dragging them each to a corner "Li you should always wash your hands before touching other people" Zayn says mockingly. I smack his bum "DO NOT DARE MOVE UNTIL I GET BACK"
I go take a quick shower as I only have 15 minutes before I have to leave. I come out pick another suite to wear and give the boys a quick lecture "DO YOU KNOW HOW IMMATURE YOU BOTH WERE ACTING TODAY?" They look at me with wide eyes obviously scared with my tone so I start speaking softly. "I have a very important meeting today, and you both ruined my new louis vuitton suite and messed up this whole room, what do you have to say for yourselves?" Louis slowly speaks first "We forgot that was today...We're sorry Li" Zayn continues after him "It only meant to be a little joke, we didnt think you would be this mad..we're sorry LiLi" he says as he pouts