Chapter 2

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I got dressed after taking a shower and went to my couch to read a book while I waited for Jenna. I didn't want to go to the dinner reunion, I felt like it was going to be awkward. Ever since Lily got pregnant I kind of got away from anyone, except Jenna of course, so this would be the first time I see most of them after a while.

After some more minutes I heard the door open and a black dog came running to me followed by Jenna. I giggled at the sight of the two, they were just perfect for each other, even if it was hard for them to notice at first. Jenna and Sirius were always there for me, they were the best friends anyone could ever ask for.

Padfoot jumped on the couch next to me and started licking my cheek, making me laugh. "Hi Padfoot" I said while running my hand through his head and standing up to give Jenna a hug. "Hi Jenn".

"Hi Y/N, you ready?" She greeted me with a kind smile.

"Not really but let's get over with this already"

"Everything is going to be fine, you'll see. Everyone misses you so much" Sirius said once he turned to his human form again.

"Let's just go" We exited my apartment and appeared at the Potter's residence. The house seemed quiet, as if no one was there yet. But the lights were on, so we guessed James was alone. Jenna opened the door and let Sirius and I in.

The house smelled amazing. Everyone went to the kitchen and saw James cooking many different dishes. Two things James was for sure good at were Quidditch and cooking.

When James noticed us he stopped the cooking to greet us. "Hi guys! Hi Y/N, long time no seen" He said but I looked down. "I thought you guys weren't coming for like other fifteen minutes"

"Yeah, but we wanted to help you" Jenna said while starting to put the plates on the table.

"Yes, and I needed to talk to you Prongs. Can we go outside for a second?" Sirius asked, already opening the door to the back yard.

"Now that we are alone..." Jenna looked at me with a grin "When do you plan on telling my brother?"

"Tell him what?" I was trying to act as oblivious as I could. I wanted to avoid this topic.

"Don't play dumb with me, love. You have liked him forever, he's kind of lonely now and he's not obsessed with Lily anymore"

"Yeah, but she's still pregnant with his child, so..." I sat down on a chair.

There was a silence before I felt Jenna's hand on my shoulder, giving me a side hug she said "You'll have to tell him eventually. It pains me to see you this sad. You don't know what would happen if you tell him"

"I know. When the right time comes I'll tell him"

"Promise me?" She asked with her pinky out for me to grab mine around hers.

"I promise" I grabbed her pinky and both of us started setting the table.

James' POV

"So" I said once both Sirius and I sat down with our backs on the tree where Jenna and I wrote our initials on "What did you want to talk about Pads?"

I noticed he was nervous, he was playing with his nails and looking at the ground. That was something he always did when he was nervous or stressed. "Sirius, I'm your best mate, mate. You can tell me anything"

"I want to propose" He mumble

"Come again?"

"I want to ask Jenna to marry me" Now he was looking at me "But I want your approval. You are her twin and a brother to me. So please..." He looked desperate "Let me ask her"

I was shocked. I mean, I didn't expect Sirius to be this committed in a relationship but, here we are. "Look Sirius, if anyone is going to marry my sister I'm happy it's you." He seemed to have relaxed, so I decided to mess with him a bit. "But" There, his worrying look came back "If you ever break her heart, I will end you mate"

He started laughing and gave me a hug, which I gladly returned. "Let's talk about you now"

His words surprised me. "What about me?"

"What about you?! You are going to have a child for Godric's sake" A smile grew on my face at the mention of my future kid.

"I know, bad thing it isn't with the girl I'm gonna marry"

"Have you set an eye on anyone else"

"Not really. I haven't thought about girls in a while" I got up "Come on, let's go help the girls". I offered my friend a hand and we both went back inside.

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A/n: first POV from James!! I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Just so you know, this isn't a slow burn so it shouldn't take many chapter to Y/N to confess her fillings. See you for the next chapter :)

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