Chapter 3

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Remus was the first one to show up at the Potter manor. You could see how bad and stressed he was feeling with the full moon being three days away. He tried to hide the way he was feeling because it was the first time in weeks where all of his friends were at the same place.

Moony and I usually called ourselves The depressed bitches club, because we actually were. Back at Hogwarts, Remus and I would usually go on walks and talk about how we were feeling. It was our free therapy session.

"Y/N" he called my name after greeting James, Jenna and Sirius, "it's good to see you again" he said while hugging me softly, that way he wouldn't hurt himself.

"It's good to see you too, Moony" I said with a huge smile on my face "I missed you"

After a while everyone else showed up. We were all seated at the table, eating, drinking butterbears and laughing, laughing a lot. I really missed my friends. Don't get me wrong, it makes me extremely sad this whole Lily being pregnant situation, but she still was one of my closest friends and I wouldn't change her for anything in the world.

Lily Evans was one of the sweetest persons I've ever met, anyone would be lucky to have her in their lives. I get why James was so in love with her.

Once we were all done eating, we went to the living room to chill for a bit. I went to the kitchen to grab some more butterbear for myself. I was surprised to see Lily once I turned back to go to the living room.

"Oh my God, Lils, you scared the shit out of me" I said while putting my hand on my chest and she chuckled.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I just wanted to talk to you for a bit, if that's ok with you" she said with a worried expression on her face.

"Yeah, sure, what's up?" I asked while sitting on one of the chairs in the kitchen.

"I'm gonna go straight to the point here" she sigh, looking down at her hands before looking back at me. "I know you like James, but I noticed once I started dating Mary. I guess I was just too focused on hating and then dating him that I didn't noticed your feelings towards James" now I was looking down at the floor with my cheeks burning my face "I don't want you to be angry at me, you are one of my closest friends and I don't want to lose you because of a boy. I just wanted you to know that it's ok with me if you and James started dating, in fact I'll be the happiest person alive"

I didn't know what to say, this was completely out of the blue. I didn't know if I was feeling embarrassed or any other emotion. I was definitely happy that Lily felt that way though.

"Lils, I-I don't know what to say" I started talking when I saw how desperate she was for my answer "I'm not mad at you, don't worry about that. And I'm really happy that we can clear things out. But still, this is a really hard situation for me" she looked at me with a sad expression and I was feeling horribly for making her feel that way. " Lily, I love you, you are one of my best friends and I don't want you to feel like I'm angry with you. I just need time to adjust at this whole situation, that's all"

I hugged her after that but I was not feeling comfortable staying there after that talk with Lily. So I decided to grab my staff, say goodbye to all my friends and head home.

I apparated at my house and, once I was in, I checked if my dragon egg was doing fine, which it was. After that I decided to grab some ice cream and a bottle of firewhisky I had.

Jenna's POV

If there's one person Y/N cannot lie to is me. I noticed when she left that she was trying to put her best face, but I could easily see through that. I also saw that she went to the kitchen with Lily right before she left, so I put two and two together and understood that she must have had an argument with Lily.

"Lils, can I talk to you for a moment?" I asked the redhead, who followed me to my old bedroom.

"What'd just happened with Y/N?" I asked once I closed the door. She looked at me as if she was embarrassed.

"I confronted her" she answered. I was taken aback and she definitely saw that, so she proceeded to explain everything that happened in my parents' kitchen. Lily was worried that Y/N might have lied to her about not being mad at the redhead, but I assured her that my best friend told her the truth and just then she relaxed a bit.

After that I was the one to leave my parents house to go look for Y/N. It made me so sad when I entered her apartment and saw her all depressed, crying on her couch, drunk as fuck.

I crouched down next to the couch and stroked her hair. She looked up at me when she felt my hand touching her hair.

"Hi Jenn" she said in such a low voice that I could barely hear her.

"Hi love, how are you feeling?" I said in a quiet whisper.

"I'm great! Can't you see?" she said in a pitchy tone while standing up and bumping into everything that was in her small living room.

"Y/N, you're drunk" I tried to make her seat back down so she wouldn't fall.

"No shit Sherlock" Y/N is the sweetest and most caring person alive, but when she's drunk she gets so sassy that sometimes even I cannot stand her.

"Talk to me" I was trying to calm her down, and talking to me would make her tired, that way she would go to sleep and rest faster.

"What if she tells James?! Or worse, what if he already knows?!?!?" You could visibly see how anxious she was. I wanted my best friend to feel good again.

"Would it be that bad if James found out?" I needed her to reason with me but I knew that was not gonna happen today.

"YES! It would be horrid!" she started crying again.

"Don't cry honey, come on, let's get you to bed" I stayed with her until she fell asleep. After that I went home to get some sleep myself.

When I got home, I was greeted by a worried Sirius. He came rushing to me and, when he saw I was ok he backed down.

"How's she doing?" He sat down on our couch.

"She was drunk. I don't know what to do to help her"

"You should get some sleep Jenn, tomorrow we'll figure something out" he kissed my forehead and after a long night we went to sleep.

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A/n: Ok, so... long time no seen. It's been a year and I'm terribly sorry about that. I had a lot of thing going on in my life with college and my mental health. But here is an update. I hope you like it. Don't forget to vote and comment. See you soon (hopefully) for next chapter:)

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