Chapter 5

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Fourth year.

I was in the library, studying a book I found about dragons and their illness. Being at the library and studying dragons was one of my most relaxing activities. But my peaceful study session soon came to an end when I heard a familiar voice I knew too well.

"Y/N" James called my name again, this time quieter so that Madam Pince wouldn't kick him out of the library.  "Here you are" he said while sitting down beside me. It was just then when I looked up from my book to gaze over at him.

"What do you need, Prongs?" You could easily notice the annoyance in my voice. Yes, I was in love with him but I was sure he came looking for me because he needed something.

"I need your help" and there it was "I need you to help me get Lily to go out on a date with me." That's when my heart started to ache. "I know the two of you are friends, and you are my friend as well, so I figured you'd help me. Please don't say no, my sister already did that and I'm desperate"

I couldn't say no to him even if I wanted to. It pained me, but I still helped him. I mean, why not. He's been in love with Lily ever since he laid eyes on her for the first time. And maybe we weren't  meant to be together, so why not help him be happy. After all, that's all I wanted, for him to be happy.

"Don't buy her roses," I started, looking down at the table right in front of me "those are too basic and boring, you could buy her lilies but that would be really cheese. I'd say to buy her daisies" James was paying attention to me as if I was telling him how to save the world.

"Don't ask her out in public, that'll embarrass her. Take her by the Black Lake alone and ask her there. And definitely don't buy her gifts just yet" James was memorizing every single word I said.

"You, Y/N L/N, are my hero. I promise I'll do anything you want for this" he said with the biggest smile on his face as he got up and stormed out of the library.

What James didn't know is that I told him exactly how I would like him to ask me out on a date.


I now found myself in my apartment. At this point I wasn't able to control my emotions anymore. A blue energy started coming out of my fingers, knocking some candles I had on the table to the floor. I was a mess. How can someone be so dumb to confess to the love of their lives that way?! I asked myself while I felt tears rolling down my cheeks.

My blue powers started growing all over me. From my fingertips to my shoulders. I felt like I was going to explode any second now. I was so embarrassed and mad at myself that I wasn't thinking anymore.

I suddenly froze, my powers vanishing, when I heard the sound of keyes in my apartment door. What shocked me the most was the person who stood right in front of me.

James' POV

When I got to her apartment. I saw Y/N trying to hide herself while wiping her tears off her face. I knew her too well. I knew she was upset when she didn't dare to look at me. I didn't know if she was mad at me or at herself at this point.

"James, get out" she said to me while facing the other way.

"Y/N we need to talk about this" I pushed.

"But I don't want to. Just get out!

"NO! You don't get to drop that bomb at me and then just leave without giving me the chance to answer back!"

"What? You want to tell me how you don't feel the same way I do?! Do you want to make me feel even dumber than how I am already feeling?!" Now she was facing me, once again with tears in her eyes. It really hurt me to see her like that, and to hear how she thinks I feel about her.

"That's not true at all Y/N, please, just listen to me" this time she didn't back away. She just sat down on her couch, waiting for me to do the same. So i did.

Here you go,James. This is your chance. I thought to myself.

"I've had feelings for you since we were in fifth year" I have never seen Y/N so shocked in my life. Her head snapped so fast to look at me. Allowing me to see her beautiful e/c eyes. "I didn't say anything to anyone because I was scared honestly"

"The James Potter scared? I don't believe my ears" Y/N said, making me chuckle.

"Yes, we've been friends for a long time and I didn't want to ruin that. Besides, my so-called 'love' for Lily was keeping me busy." When I said that last thing she got sad again. "I'm sorry Y/N, I really am. If I had noticed how you felt towards me earlier I would have confessed, but I'm stupid enough to be so oblivious of that". I saw that stunning smile of hers appear on her face once again.

"So, what's gonna happen now?" She asked, looking at me once again "I mean, you are going to have a baby soon"

"I know. But I feel that you would help me a lot with that actually" I said, smirking a little.

"I don't know James. You have to talk to Lily about that"

"Love" I said while taking her hands on mine "Lily would be more than happy about it, she loves you and, besides, she has Mary with her. So, I guess what I'm trying to say here is" I paused, letting go of one of her hands and taking it behind my back to grab something "Be my girlfriend, please" Showing her a bouquet of daisies.

"Daisies?" She smiled while taking the flowers and admiring them.

"Someone special told me about them. SO, what do you say?" At this point I was getting desperate for an answer.

"Of course James. I'd love to be your girlfriend" I didn't waste any other second to cup her face with my hands, slowly approaching her lips with mine as they connected. They fit together perfectly, as if they were meant to be.

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A/n: So, first flashback. Still a very shitty chapter and this is still going fast but it's for the sake of the story. Hope you like it. Don't forget to vote and comment. See you soon for next chapter:)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2023 ⏰

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