Chapter 4

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I disappeared for a whole week after that. I hid in the sanctuary where I was working and where nobody knew I was working. I took phew things with me, one of them being my dragon egg which I was taking care of with my life.

During this week I've received many letters from Jenna, Lily and Marlene. They were all concerned about my well being so I thought it was only fair to write back to Jenna.

Dear Jenn,
I'm doing fine love, no need to worry so much. I just needed to clear my head up a bit, get some fresh air.
I'm not gonna tell you where I am because I know you'll come find me. But I promise that I'm ok.
Please show this letter to Lily and Marlene, they both wrote to me.
See you guys soon.
Love you all,

Working in the sanctuary really helped me out. The environment here is very relaxing and everyone here is super nice to me. We were planning our Hogwarts classes, which were supposed to start in a few weeks. We wanted this place to be safe both for students and dragons, that was our goal.

Just as I was finishing some details I received Dumbledore's patronus informing me of an Order's meeting. I head to the headquarters right away.

I was the last one to arrive, seeing as I was the one who was the furthest from the location. My friends were surprised to see me there, as if they weren't expecting me to show up. I brushed the thought away and took the only seat left, between Jenna and Lily.

Once we were all ready, Dumbledore started talking.

"Welcome. I've gathered all of you here because I have some news, which are not pleasant at all." By this time he had all of our eyes on him.

"There is a prophecy in which a wizard, born by the end of July, is going to defeat Voldemort. Of course he already knows of this prophecy." We were shocked, none of us knew what to say and the tension in the room grew more and more.

"Miss Evans and the Longbottoms must be extremely careful. You won't be able to go on missions from now on and I'll suggest you do not leave your house" I could hear Lily sobbing next to me. It broke my heart, they were great friends of mine. I needed to do something to help them but I didn't know what. Dumbledore wouldn't allow me to use my powers against You-know-Who saying as it would put me in an extremely dangerous situation.

I didn't know what to do, and so I started to panic. I felt tears threatening to fall from my eyes and I felt like I couldn't breathe. I needed to get out of there. So that's what I did, I got up and got out of the room as fast as I could.

Third person's POV

Everyone's eyes fell on Y/N when she suddenly got up and out of the room. Jenna had a concerned look on her face when she started to get up and go after her best friend. But her twin brother stopped her and went after Y/N himself.

James Potter was one of those people who always wanted to help others out and make sure they were doing fine. So, when Y/N got upset and left the room he went after her. He didn't understand what she was so mad about, I mean, sure her friends and she herself were in danger but still...

"Y/N, wait!" Y/n froze when she heard his voice. Out of everyone, she wasn't expecting him to go after her. When she finally faced James, he could see the tears in her eyes. She was dreading to say anything.

"What's wrong?" He finally asked. Y/N was trying so hard to look anywhere but him.

"Are you seriously asking me what's wrong?!" She snapped, she didn't mean to, but she did. James was taken aback, he wasn't expecting her to react this way.

"Well, there's no need to be rude" He was starting to get upset. James was trying to help her out and this is how she reacts? "I don't understand what's the matter with you. You are not the one with a child chased by Voldemort" Now Y/n was truly upset.

"Oh really?!"

"Yeah, I don't know what you are so upset about" That was it, this is where she snapped.

"You think it's easy for me? You think that it's easy to see that any of my best friends might die any moment now? No, wait, you think it's not hard for me thinking that I might die any day and still have lots of things to say to the people I love and not be able to tell them? And you know what the worst part is? Seeing one of my best friends pregnant with the love of my life's baby. God, I can't even begin to imagine how Mary must be feeling about this whole situation" She blunted out.

They were both shocked after that. Y/N for saying what she had just said and James for what he heard. Y/N felt so embarrassed that she ran away. Leaving a stunned James standing in the room, thinking about what she said to him.

James has had a crush on Y/N ever since fifth year. He denied it for so long seeing that they've been good friends for a while now, so he shooked those feelings away. And, besides that, he was still crushing on Lily. But that last thing was because he was used to that, they all were. Now that Y/N confessed her feelings for him, he couldn't deny what he was feeling.

None of them knew that Jenna and Sirius listened to their whole conversation.When Y/N left they decided to approach James.

"Mate, are you ok?" Sirius asked, taking James out of his thoughts.

"I- I think so. Did you hear what she just said? She's in love with me" he said with a faint smile on his face. James was feeling a lot of things, he was desperate because something might happen to his son but he couldn't help feeling happy about what Y/N told him.

"I know JP, but you have to go talk to her and make everything clear between the two of you. Here's the key to her apartment." Jenna gave her brother the key and smiled at James. With that, James left the headquarters and headed to Y/N apartment.

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A/n: Well, that was fast. I'm sorry but I mean this story to be mostly from the MCU POV. This is so shitty. I'm sorry to y'all

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