Chapter 5

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It was now lunch break and he had snuck to a remote part of the school in order to be able to take his meal in peace, when he saw his class teacher. Since the dark-haired one came sneaking around a corner he also seemed to want some peace so Bakugou didn't speak to him. A short time later his ears rang! In the distance he heard a blond man clearly calling out his teacher's name: "SHOOOOOOTTTTAAAAAAA!!!!" Yep, that voice clearly belonged to Present Mic. No one else could be so excruciatingly loud from this distance. In the next minute the voice hero came around the same corner as the underground hero before. "SHO! ERASER! HI?! AREN'T YOU LISTENING TO MEEEEE???"

Despite this immense volume and the fact that the English teacher was standing right in front of Eraserhead the dark-haired man was able to ignore him. But how? Bakugou couldn't to let go of this question. Fortunately for him it should be answered immediately! Mic bent down to Aizawa and took small black plugs from his ear. "SHO?" "Hizashi! Now shut up at last!", Eraserhead complained tiredly and went back to the notes in his hand. "Oh come on Sho, I just wanted to eat together with you!" "Yes, but not at this volume! You know how bad my headaches are! And I can't keep releasing your quirk-" "Cough, cough, cough!" it rang from the other corner and interrupted Aizawa. As the two professional heroes turned in the direction of the cough they recognized the student Katsuki Bakugou and were a little startled. "Hey little listener! What have you got?", Mic asked and went up to the student. But he stopped short when he saw the flowers emerging from the student's mouth. The last time he had seen such blossoms was when Eraserhead had hanahaki about 15 years ago and he had hoped never to see anything like it again.

When Bakugou was done coughing he walked past Mic and went straight to his class teacher. "What were those plugs that you had in your ears? You couldn't even hear the screamer back there!", He asked hoping he could get some of them too. All the earplugs or headphones he had tried so far were dirt and absolutely not worth the money.

"That was a custom-made product by the support department. They felt sorry for me since I am with Mic. Why do you care?" "That's none of your business!!" "I'm your teacher and without me you can't get them!", Aizawa argued and now looked a little more strictly. Katsuki grumbled and then replied: "You know I have Hanahaki. Anyway, there are a few students who don't give up and still want who 'the lucky one'  is. If I have to endure your questions one more day, there will be five deade students soom..." Yes five. If he was going to be a murderer, it wouldn't make any difference if he killed Deku too! His teacher sighed and wanted to hand him his own earplugs and said beforehand: "You can have mine, you can't make them again. I've got by without them for the past 15 years I'll somehow survive the next 30 as well. But in return you have to promise me that you will think about not confessing your love after all. You can never be sure. When I was your age I also had Hanahaki and almost died from it because I didn't think it would be possible for Mic to feel the same way about me as I did for him and today we've been married for almost five years. So please at least think about it", his teacher explained to him whereupon he just nodded quickly and grabbed the plugs before looking at his English teacher again questioningly and leaving. He had no idea that Eraserhead and Present Mic were married but they did The fact that even two very different people like them found each other really gave him a little hope. But for the time being these earplugs saved five lives! For now ...

Because at some point the four discovered that the hothead could no longer hear them. Otherwise he wouldn't be grinning so self-righteously all the time! It was a blessing for him not to have to hear his class anymore. Nothing so good had happened to him in ages! But his rare good mood would soon disappear again after Kaminari had forged a plan. Something like that could only backfire! Ashido and Kirishima knew how wrong the whole thing could go but Kaminari couldn't let himself be dissuaded. He would go through with it with or without them. That's why they decide to stand by him, then the probability would be at least a little less that Bakugou would kill him... So they waited and waited. They were waiting for the right moment. A moment when Bakugou was so busy with something else that they could sneak into his room unnoticed. But it took many days before it came to that. At some point they had to do a group work which is why Bakugou to his regret had to work with 'Monnface', Jirou and Blinki (Aoyama). They met in Jirou's room, which is why Kaminaris group could finally get into the room from the angry pyromaniac. Once inside they found that it was a rather ordinary room. Kirishima already knew that but the others hadn't been in there yet. Kaminari gave the instructions and his three friends to search in Bakugous room, looking for anything that could indicate a secret crush. Slowly their time was getting really short which is why they started again disappointed to put all things in their right place. They really hadn't found anything! Sero was just about to make the bed again when he noticed something hard while shaking the pillow. So he pulled off the cover and found a little book with an orange cover. "I think I have something Guys!" He informed his comrades. But the attempt to open the book failed because it was protected by a small electronic lock. "Give it to me I'll do it", Kaminari said taking the book from the black-haired mans hand and gesturing to the others that they should move away.

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