Steve stands backstage. Steve takes a deep breath."I don't know if I can do this.
"Nothing to it. You sell a few bonds, Bonds by bullets, Bullets kill Nazi's. Bing, bang, boom You're an American hero.", A man says.
"It's just not how I pictured getting there.", Steve says.
"Senator's got a lot of pull up on the Hill. You play ball with us you'll be leading your own platoon in no time."
Steve pulls on his mask.
"Take the shield."
The man pushes him onto the stage.
A group of girls dressed in similar outfits to his dance and sing on the stage as he says some lines. Rebecca is amongst the girls, though she hates it.
Who's strong and brave Here to save the American way?
"Not all of us can storm a beach or drive a tank. But there's still a way all of us can fight.", Steve says to the crowd.
Who vows to fight like a man For what's right, night and day?
"Series E Defense Bonds. Each one you buy is a bullet in the barrel of your best guy's gun."
Who will campaign door-to-door for America? Carry the flag shore to shore for America? From Hoboken to Spokane The star-spangled man with a plan.
Steve takes pictures with children, woman, men and even babies.
He also signs plenty of autographs.
He is now playing in movies as Captain America, with several other 'soldiers'.
"Cut. Guys, don't look at the camera.", The director says to the men.
We can't ignore there's a threat and a war we must win.
"Each one you buy is a bullet in the barrel of your best guy's gun."
Who'll hang a noose on the goose-stepping goons from Berlin? Who will redeem Heed the call for America? Who'll rise or fall Give his all for America? Who's here to prove that we can? The star-spangled man with a plan.
"We all know this is about trying to win the war. We can't do that without bullets and bandages, tanks and tents. That's where you come in. Every bond you buy will help protect someone you love.", Steve is giving a diologue at one of his shows.
A man dressed as Adolf Hitler hides behind the women as Steve is talking.
"Turn around! He's right behind you!", Two kids point to him and call to Steve.
"Keep our boys armed and ready, and the Germans will think twice about trying to get the drop on us.", He turns to the man and punches him in the face.
To the crowd it looks that way, but in reality he missed by several inches.
Stalwart and steady and true Forceful and ready to defend the red, white, and blue Who'll give the Axis the sack and is smart as a fox? Who'll give the Axis the sack and is smart as a fox? Far as an eagle will soar Who's making Adolf afraid to step out of his box? He knows what we're fighting for Who waked the giant that napped in America? We know it's no one but Captain America Hi. Who'll finish what they began? Who'll kick the Krauts to Japan? The star-spangled man with a plan!
Steve plays in even more movies and signs even more autographs.
All over the country people are reading comics based on him.
Who ever said three's company?
عاطفيةJames Buchanan Barnes and Steve Rogers have been friends since the 40s. Everyone knows that. What they don't know is about their other friend, Rebecca Carter. Rebecca, Steve and Bucky grew close this is their story.