Chapter 1

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Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

I wake up to the sound of my alarm. I search for my phone and check the time...06:00. Right now it's May, so at this time of day the light that is forcing itself through my purple, thin curtains isn't so pleasant to the eye. I squint and drag myself out of bed dreading the day ahead.

After I shower and brush my teeth, I stare at myself completely naked in my full-length mirror and examine every single detail possible. I touch my tanned, spot-free skin and admire it's enticing smoothness. My big, glossy, hazel eyes showed multiple emotions and my plump, soft lips were slightly parted as I touched my cheek. I stare at the curves that I wish were real, imagining bigger hips and bigger boobs when in reality my curves were non-existent. For a while I just stare, but after a few minutes I snap back into reality and start to get dressed. I really need to start loving the way I look. If I don't love myself, then who will?

In the end, I decided to wear a blue and red checkered shirt with ripped jeans and red Dr. Martens. I leave my house at 07:30 without eating breakfast, deciding that I will buy something on my way to school. As I walk down the street, I look around and admire the greenery around me. For some reason nature just fascinates me and brings me peace and tranquility- the feeling is absolutely amazing. However, this overwhelming feeling soon leaves me as I accidentally bump into someone walking in the opposite direction. I look up and see the most beautiful boy I have ever seen. His face is as pure as gold. His enticing, deep, brown eyes show a look of concern as I stare at him intently. His full lips are dreamy and kissable. His hair is messy yet luscious and makes me want to run my hands through them at that very moment. His perfect eyebrows have the ideal ratio of bushiness to arch; he was absolutely flawless.

"Are you okay?" His mellifluous voice echoes in my ear, causing such bliss.

"I-I'm fine." I straighten my clothes out and clear my throat. "Sorry for bumping into you, I wasn't paying attention." I sounded so much more confident than I did just a few seconds ago.

"Yeah, I can tell." He smiles, causing butterflies to overcrowd my stomach. Why does he have this effect on me? Then I realised...I've never seen him here before.

"Are you new around here? I've never seen you here before and I've lived here for as long as I can remember." I question.

"Yeah I just moved here last week, I spent most of my time unpacking with-" his sudden change in demeanour surprised me as he stiffened. "Erm, what's your name?" What's wrong with him? I wanted to ask him what happened but we had only just met.

"Andrea." I smiled, "And you are..."

"Theo." He smiled.

"Well, Theo... As much as I'd love to talk to you, I have to go to school. It was lovely meeting you though." I really didn't want to leave, but I had to go to school and for some reason Theo made me extremely nervous. I've never felt this way about a boy, why now?

"Okay. Can I get your number? I'd really like to speak to you again." We exchanged numbers and we said our goodbyes and I carried on walking to school.

Theo. What a beautiful name for a beautiful boy. I smiled to myself as I reminisce what happened just a few moments ago.


Well...Hey guys! This is my first story ever on wattpad. . But I'm looking forward to writing this story and I'm absolutey obsessed with Theo James. Vote and comment!!! :)

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