Chapter 4.

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"Andrea!" The excitement in his voice cheered me up a little. "Hey."

"Hey, do you wanna come over?" I wanted--no, needed to see his chestnut brown eyes bore into mine and hear his precious, heart-stopping laugh right this moment.


"Yeah, is that alright?" Silently, I prayed that he would say yes. My eyes were squeezed shut as I awaited an answer.

"Sure that's fine, I'll be over in 10 minutes." I had almost screeched for joy right then, but instead I smiled and hung up. He didn't need directions because he had dropped me off earlier.

I got up from my bed and changed into my gold, cheetah-print onesie. I checked the time. Five minutes left. I used that time to compose myself; trying my hardest to forget about my recent encounter with Brad.

No matter how much I tried, I couldn't get it out of my head. Why did I tell Brad about how I used to feel? Confessing my previous feelings just made it seem as if I still liked him! Argh, my life is a joke.

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard someone ring the doorbell. Theo. I darted downstairs to find him already inside my home. "Good evening Mrs Peaton," I heard him say to my mum. "My name is Theo."

"It's nice to meet you, Theo," she replied. I walked into the living room and hugged him. I could feel his silky hair slide across my cheek. I loved every second of our embrace.

"Hello again, Mr James," I teased as I tried to mask all of my hidden emotions with a fake smile--he looked at me with a concerned expression, I guess I wasn't a very good actor. "Let's go to my room." He nodded.

As we walked up the stairs, I heard my mum shout, "Use protection, kids!" My eyes widened in shock and my mouth hung open as I froze in place.

"Oh my God, Mum. We're just friends!" My face flushed from embarrassment and anger as I clumsily scuttered up the remaining steps with Theo following directly behind me. Wow, what a great way to make me feel even better about my current situation. "I'm so sorry about my mum."

He chuckled, and for a split second I forgot about Brad as I focused on Theo's voluptuous lips and ambrosial laughter, causing a magical yet uncanny feeling to occur in my lower abdomen.

I guffawed in return as we entered my room. I jumped on my bed, half laying and half sitting. Theo followed, sitting on my bed returning his concerned expression. "Andrea, what's wrong?"

"What makes you think I'm upset?" I tried to look amused, but by the look of discontent on his face I knew that I had failed. "Fine." I exhaled slowly before I replied. "I used to have a crush on a boy in my school-" I could've sworn his face dropped for a second, but I guess I was just imagining it. "He would always flirt with me and I fell for him, but he broke my heart when he got a girlfriend. Today I got really angry with him and told him about how I used to feel and I just...can't stop thinking about what happened."

His lips formed a hard line as he took in what I had just told him. "What's his name?" He asked.

"Brad." His eyes widened in shock.

"Brad? As in...Brad Miller?" Now, my eyes widened in shock, as if Theo's emotions were contagious.

"Yes." I gasped. "Do you know him?"

"Yeah. I was born in Oxfordshire, but when I was 12 I moved to Chicago with my family. That's where I met Brad. He was 10, but we became very good friends before he moved away. I never knew where he moved to, but I guess I've found out." It was as if my heart had shattered into a million pieces as I absorbed this acidic unpleasantry.

"Oh." I tried my hardest not to choke on my words and I succeeded, but I knew my glassy eyes gave my poorly disguised feelings away. I scooted closer to the edge of the bed and picked up my phone from the bedside table, attempting to use it as an escape from the ghastly world I live in.

For a minute I just sat there, scrolling through my Twitter feed even though I was merely staring at the screen for the whole time. I could feel Theo eyeballing me, but I didn't look up. "Andrea, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." I replied flatly.

He clutched both of my arms, sending sparks of electricity whizzing around my body as he turned me around so I was facing him. "Andrea, he's my friend, but I hate him right now for what he did to you." I looked into his eyes and found no traces of jest, but soon found myself drowning in their exquisiteness. I smiled, with my lips not quite reaching my eyes. "I have a suggestion." I declared. "Let's play 21 questions. I'll start."

"Okay." He nodded.

"When's your birthday?" I asked.

"16th December. What's the name of your school?"

"Eastman Academy. How old were you when you had your first kiss?"

"Erm..." He thought about it for a moment before he spoke. "13." He confirmed. "How old were you when you had your first kiss?" I froze. My eyes grew wide as my cheeks turned dark pink in colour.

"I haven't had my first kiss yet." I mumbled, so low that he didn't hear me.


"I haven't had my first kiss." I said a little more clearly. I looked up at him as he smiled that ethereal smile of his that I loved. "What?" I questioned.

"You're so cute when you're embarrassed." He chortled. "You shouldn't worry, one day you'll find the perfect guy that'll give you the most breathtaking and spine-tingling kisses in the world." I grinned at him. But I had already found the most perfect guy, and he was sitting right next to me.

"Okay next question. Are you a virgin? I'm not asking this because I want to get into your pants or anything, I'm just curious."

"You're a virgin. I'm pretty sure you wouldn't want to get in my pants anyway." He smiled, showing his awe-inspiring, snow coloured set of teeth.

"How did you know I was a virgin?"

"Why would you have sex if you haven't even had your first kiss?"

"Good point."

"And the answer to your question is no. I'm not a virgin." I sat there, flabbergasted. I was paralysed, unable to move my limbs.

"W-wow." Is all I could say. The boy of my dreams had already lost his innocence. He would never want me. I was an inexperienced 17 year old who had never been in a relationship...who had never been in love. I was hoping that he would be the light in my darkness; my hero in this world full of tragedy. I guess I was wrong...

I guess it was never meant to be.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2015 ⏰

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