Chapter 2

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I walked into the hellhole known as "school" going straight to my locker. I look at my schedule: Maths, Biology, Chemistry, Geography and Psychology. As I make my way to homeroom, I see Brad and Angela walking all lovey-dovey in the opposite direction. I subconsciously clench my teeth.

Before he started dating Angela, Brad would constantly flirt with me in lessons. I thought that he had genuinely liked me, but apparently he didn't. I fell for his silly tricks and started to have a huge crush on him, but he stabbed me in the back and broke my fucking heart. After that happened, I vowed never to let a boy come into my life like he did ever again. I've tried to stop talking to him, but he's always moving my things around and touching me to get my attention.

Although I hate him, Brad is actually very attractive. He has the eyes of a sly fox on the prowl, as if he wants any or all humans to make him howl. His ebony hair could easily be mistaken for mink and compliments his smooth, tanned skin. His pearly whites could be seen from a mile away, his rippling abs were as hard as rock and his muscles looked as if they were about to rip through his shirt. He was gorgeous, but I think Theo is better.

As they were walking, Angela had this huge smile on her face. She was extremely beautiful. Her eyes looked like a marigold flower in the middle of a field: orange surrounded by olive green. Her straight, brown hair stopped mid-back. Her eyebrows were the perfect arch, her tanned skin showed no sign of spots or blemishes and her lips were pink and full. Her curves were the type that I had always wished for: Her wide hips complimented her small waist and thick thighs, her breasts were at least a C cup and her behind was perfectly toned. No wonder Brad wanted her instead of me.

I slammed my locker door shut accidentally, getting the attention of about six other people in the hallway. I awkwardly walked to homeroom where I greeted Ms. Wu and got ready for the long day ahead.

Luckily, in most of my lessons I was accompanied by my best friend Julia. Julia would always get looks from boys as we walked down the school corridor together. Every time a boy did approach me, they would always ask about Julia's relationship status. Julia was the wild one in our friendship. She loved to party and she would always drag me along with her.

I was in Geography with Julia. As Mr. Coles was teaching the class about rivers and landforms, I felt her nudge me.

"Hey, do you wanna come to Lauren's party with me on Friday?" She whispered. Lauren was one of the slutty girls in Eastman Academy. There wasn't one boy in 11th grade that she hadn't slept with. Julia's wide, chestnut eyes scanned my facial expression and her golden brown locks fell as she looked down at me for an answer.

"Erm, I think I'll pass."

"C'mon, Andrea. You're 17 years old, live a little." She had a look of disappointment on her face as her perfectly arched eyebrows creased and her lips formed a hard, firm line.

"What if I don't want to 'live a little', Julia?" I said, mimicking what she had just said a few seconds ago. She sighed.

"I'm not going to stop asking until you say yes." I knew she wasn't lying when she said this, so it took me a while before I said something that I knew I would regret later on.

"Okay, fine."

School was as average as it could ever be; the usual flirting from Brad and nagging from Julia. As I walked through the gate, I inhaled and exhaled slowly, grateful that I have 15 more hours until school starts again.

As I walk home, I watch a black Audi S8 as it slows down beside me. A look of confusion, curiosity and fear crosses my face as I start to walk at a faster pace than I had been a few moments ago.

The driver rolls down their window. I let out a sigh of relief as I recognise those dreamy brown eyes and sexy, bee-stung lips. "Theo." I smile, happy to see him again.

"Hey, Andrea. Do you need a ride?" His voice scatters my thoughts. For a few seconds I stand there wide-eyed, but that expression leaves faster than it came.

"No, I'm fine. I don't want to be a burden."

"You won't be, seriously." He stated. "Just get in, please?" I accepted his offer and sat next to him in the passenger seat.

"Thank you." I couldn't contain my blush as my skin quickly turned from tanned to hot pink. How could someone I just met have this kind of effect on me? I was completely baffled.

"My pleasure. You know, I'm going to actually need to know your address in order to drop you home, right?" His laugh was music to my ears. I told him my address and the directions to my house.

"So, how old are you?" I asked him as his eyes stayed focused on the road. His concentrated expression made him look extremely sexy.

"Well, you see... I'm actually 47. I just had loads of surgery." He looked at me for a moment and cheesed. "What about you?"

"52." I whispered, as if anyone else could hear. I couldn't hold in my laughter as it burst out against my will, causing Theo to chuckle along with me. This is when I noticed his pearly whites, as the sunlight from outside bounced off them and made my stomach flutter. When our mini fits had ended, I smiled and spoke up.

"I'm 17, 18 next month. You?" I could've sworn that I saw a small glint in his eye, but I quickly shook it off. I probably just imagined it.

"I'm 19."

Before we knew it, we were already outside my house. I didn't want to go inside though...I just wanted to stay with Theo. But I knew I couldn't.

Like a gentleman, Theo had stepped out of his car and walked to my side, opening the car door for me. I blushed. "You didn't need to do that for me, Theo."

"Ah, but I did."

We were about six inches away from each other. I stared into his alluring, chocolate-brown eyes and he did the same. We were locked into this position for about a minute before I snapped back into reality and awkwardly looked away. "Thank you for the ride, Theo." I beamed. He awkwardly cleared his throat and smiled.

"You're welcome." I hugged him and we both lingered there for a moment, before I let go of him and walked into my house. My mum was home; looks like she's back from work. I ran up to my room and thought about what had just happened. What was happening to me?

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