Chapter 5: Teasing

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Britney's P.O.V

"So how was it?" Mom asked

"It's ok they are all fun"

"Well it seems you look tired go and take a rest now sweetie"

"Ok mom"



"Britney! Wake up"

"Mom what is it?" I said lethargically

"You're friends are here"


"I don't know but one of them is Ryan"

"What do you mean one of them?" From there I stood up

"Aushh just take a bath and then go down ok, they are waiting"

"Fine, fine"

After taking a bath I go down to see who are my visitors and I'm kinda surprised because I didn't expect that it would be

"Ryan! What brings you all here"

"Well we're kinda bored and thought that we could you know, go out and also we bring Justin for some fun" Chris answered for him and then she winks

Then I call my mom



"Can we go out? And by the way Mom this is Christina, Justin and you already know Ryan right?"

"Wait! What? Your mom knows Ryan? and Ryan knows your mom? Why didn't you tell me about this Brit?" She retort

As if I know that she likes Ryan hahaha

"Christina calm down, my mom knows Ryan because he asked me out" I teased

"What!?" Christina and Justin retort

"Is there something happening to the both of you?" Now it's Justin who spoke up

"No! None!! Britney!" Ryan said in a warning tone

"Ok, ok" I laughed while making "I Surrender" gestures

"Ryan asked me out that's true, but just to meet his friends the, what are they called again?"

"Backstreet Boys"

"Right! Backstreet Boys"

"Is that true Ryan?" Christina asked facing Ryan


"Look what you've done Britney! you are making an argument!" My mom scold me

"I'm just teasing them Mom! anyways we're going now"


Outside of the house

"Britney!" Christina retort

"You teased!"


Then I came close to her and whisper

"I just want to see your what you are going to react"

"So now you see what I reacted and even Justin's, are you happy now?"

"I'm really sorry Christina it was just a joke"

"Fine and I know you want me to confirm that I have a crush on Ryan right?" then she look around to find where is Justin and Ryan gladly they are far away from us and they are talking

"Yes I have a crush on Ryan, did I over react?"

"Uhmmm kinda"

"Britney! Tell me the truth"

"You kinda over react"

"Is it obvious?" Christina asked worriedly

"Well base on how he acted earlier he doesn't seem to care on how you acted so probably it's not a big deal for him he thinks that it's just normal"

"Wooh that's glad to hear!" Christina said in relief

Justin's P.O.V

When we went outside I immediately pull Ryan away from the girls to know the whole thing

"Ryan tell me the truth!"

"What truth?!"

"Abou what Britney's saying earlier"

"Justin she was just teasing, yes we stroll out but that doesn't mean I asked her out, I just asked her mom for permission to go out with me and my friends that's it"


"Oh come on that things are so girly"

"Fine! I think you're telling the truth" And I'm so relieved after I hear that

"Come on let's go now, We came here for strolling not for some things to argue about"

"Ok, ok"

E of C ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Author's Note:

I can't think of a plot but I hope you still like it what runs into my mind I guess hahaha

Anyways hope you like this....

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