Chapter 13: Howie's Plan

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Howie's P.O.V

I woke up early because of the ray of sun light coming out of the window our couch is near the window that's why.

Because of that I've just decided to cook for our breakfast, I've decided to cook Britney's breakfast first, she will have bacon, egg and toast bread with milk.

After cooking

"Ah it's done!"

"Wow! Is that for me?" I was shocked by the voice that came out

"Na ah ah, that's for Brit Kev"

"Aww I thought it's for me"

"Don't worry you will have yours but let's wait for the others to wake up" then I cook again.

"Tell me do you have a crush on Brit?" Kevin just asked out of nowhere.

"No I don't have"

"Then what is that all about?" He pointed onto the food

"I'm just being nice to her that's all"


"Fine! I fancied her but that doesn't mean I have a crush her, she's my type but not my like"

"But why are you doing that?"


"You're fighting over Britney"

"Oh that! I'm just making Nick jealous"


"I know Nick likes her, last night you are all asleep Nick and I are still awake and Britney's falling asleep her head was about to rest on my shoulders when Nick suddenly grab it, he just reasoned out that Britney's head is heavy but I know that's not the real reason"

"Ok, so why are you making him jealous"

"It's because he is still in denial stage he denied his feelings for Brit but the truth is he want to burst out his feelings for Brit but there's something stopping him"

"And what is it?"

"He's thinking what if's, what if Britney doesn't like me? What if, what if bla bla bla"

"So what's your point of making him jealous?"

"I want him to open up to us that he likes her, I want him to tell to Britney that he likes her, I want Nick to court her or whatever I know in myself that he can't do that that's why I'm helping him"

"But you know he's mad when somebody's stealing his own property and he treats all the things in his hand like property and I'm sure he's treating Britney like his property"

"I know that, but for right now she's not her property YET and I know he's scared that maybe I'm going to court her or someone, Brit's beautiful and that's not imposible"

"But I'm just warning you Howie be careful or your feelings, it might not help to your plan"

"No, I won't but if Nick just let her go then he will regret of what he waste of"

"What is wasting?" I was shocked when Brit just suddenly spoke out. Does she heard what we were saying earlier?

"Are you there earlier"

"Nope I just woke up, so is there something wrong what's waste?" Then I find something that is waste and I see some egg shells

"Uhh this this shells is a waste" then I throw it

"Ah ok" Kevin just throw me a relief look.

"By the way Britney here's your breakfast" then I point her her breakfast the ones with toast bread and milk while our breakfast is only bacon and eggs with coffee.

Shape Of My Heart (Britney Spears and Nick Carter fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now