How we are(The main 4. platonic)

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Ship(s): None
Au:Regular au/experiment twins au/human au
Settings: Casino, park, bakery, coffe shop.
Narrator pov:

The cup twins had just gotten ready for their job at the casino. Mugman was wearing his usual uniform, a blue suit with a spade on the left side, a white long-sleeved undershirt and a side bag for his books. Cuphead was wearing the same suit but the color being red with a diamond replacing the spade, and the sleeves rolled up to show his scar. Mugman cannot hide his scar as well as cuphead though, why? Well its a huge mark on his face. But I'm getting off track, as if..... §ømœņê į§ řəªđíňğ țhį§.

Ehem, sorry. Oh! Now the brothers are half way to the casino. They have to see there bosses aswell, they both have a favorite boss and don't like to be around the other. Mugmans favorite boss is King Dice or for short K.D, he helps mugman do card-tricks and well it's a secret but manipulate people, well what do you expect? It's king dice after all. Anywho, cupheads favorite is Devil, he usually is more 'friendly' to cuphead than the others. Well let's move on to someone's pov!

Cupheads pov:

Me and Mugs were walking to the casino trying not to be seen, since word got out that Devil and K.D are nice to us. So me and Mugs try to be as unnoticeable as possible or....well we're gonna get questioned. "Hey Mugs?" He hummed in response as always "Who do you think was the person who told everyone?" He was actually trying to figure that out for a while so he probably has some theories, and well... I'm bored so I don't mind.

"Well it could either be someone who worked with us, which the suspects are wheeze, chips, and well the imps. If it's someone who was a consumer, then it might be Jiniku or hid twin cause y'know." I nodded in response "well someone keeps talking about this guy that keeps 'aledgidley watching' us during work hours, probably some perv." I thought for a moment "Well we don't know maybe he started the rumor"  mugman had wrote that down too "Ok we're here!" I looked at the casino like always.

"Reminds you of when you gambled our souls away huh?" I shot Mugs a glare, even though he was kind he could have an attitude. "Well no duh" I sassed back, we walked in and our bosses were waiting "Hi boys(dice text)." No one was in the casino. "Uhm where is everyone?" I looked around in unison with Mugs.

Mugman pov:

"(Devil text) turns out everyone is either sick or with family today" I looked at cups "Sooo do we just go?" He would ask this all the time, "I actually have a better idea!" "I had forced Devil into having a bonding day with you two" he smiled at us and devil grumbled. "Well sure, why not!" I had thought it was a good idea "I mean sure" cuphead agreed. Devil had also grumbled again. "Well now that's settled, let's go to the park!" We went out the door following dice and devil, soon we made it to the park.

"so. What do you two wanna do?" Cuphead had spotted an ice-cream truck. "Ice-cream!!!" He said with a lot of energy "whoa whoa, calm down cups, but sure what Flavor ice cream fo you want?" I was thinking, as much as cuphead had wanted ice cream we had never had it "why are you two taking do long" I had honestly no idea Devil, no idea "well we've never had it!" Cuphead blurted out "you two had never had ice cream!? Even when I was a child I had ice cream!" "I know I know, it's just we lived in the woods." "THATS it I'm taking you over there and we're gonna try all the flavors".

"Wait!, Wait!, that will cost so much!" I was panicking, and surprisingly so was cuphead he loved money but hated spending it. "Do I look like I give a flying f_ck?". He didn't. As he was dragging us over there I had wrote in my book some of the info. I had just learned. And when we had reached the truck dice told us to look at the menu and pick what sounds good. "Hmmm" cuphead was looking as I was writing all the flavors I saw on the menu down. "Oooh this one sounds good!" I looked at what he pointed at, it read 'Bluberry or strawberry, ice-cream with chocolate chips and drizzled with hot fudge'

We never had ate anything sweet so we thought this would be a good beginner item. "You two decide yet?" We both nodded in unison. "Alright which one?" We both pointed to the same one, "What flavor?" "Strawberry!" Cuphead said "Blueberry" I said aswell. "Alright" "One Strawberry ice cream with ch. Chips and hot fudge and a blueberry ice cream with ch. Chips and hot fudge" the person nodded and gave us the ice-cream, we both took a bite, cuphead had sensitive teeth, I did not "Pfft-". "HOW ARE YOUR TEETH NOT FREEZING!?" I shrugged. Cuphead was trying to figure out how to eat it "Oh my God!" "Is it sweet?" "ITS F_CKING HEAVEN" I was loving the ice cream I had gotten "cup, you can lick it" cuphead licked it and his reaction was the same as mine.

"HOLY SH¡T THATS SWEET!" Dice chuckled at cupheads overreacting motions. "Well what do you think?" I didn't know what to think "sweet, like really sweet" I nodded and we went back to Devil when K.D said "What about when you two finish your ice-cream we can go to the coffe shop down the street" I nodded, after I did cuphead pushed me in my shoulder, I looked at cups and he pointed at the guy who was aledgidley watching and stalking us, taking pictures as soon as he noticed we were looking at him he went somewhere else. "Close call" cuphead muttered.

I had nodded, "You guys wanna go to the coffe shop now?" Me and cuphead had gotten up in unison and nodded. "Ok, hey grump ªss, talk to them. This is supposed to be a BONDING experience" devil grumbled again and it sounded like an 'ok' "I WANT COFFE!!!!" cuphead was the first to reach the coffe shop. "Damn cup, your fast". I had looked around and settled my eyes on two people whispering to eachother and pointing at us.

Cuphead Pov:

I looked around, then saw the people Mugs were starting at and stared at them to, they noticed soon enough for into look away and I did to. "What do you two want?" "A grande latte with three pump of vanilla four pumps of caffeine and five pumps of sugar, for me" that is my usual "Same for me but instead of four pumps of caffeine do five" welk apparently we are gonna be doing sh¡t tonight, Dice nodded "and what do you want grumpy ass?" Devil didn't know "ehh.... I'll take whatever" Dice nodded again. He got our food and drinks, and we found somewhere to sit.

Sooooo this is very long and my fingers hurt soooo. If you like this let me know! I'm planning on making a pt.2

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