Chapter 7

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I just stare at the text without really reading it. After probably 1minute of staring at it I have no clue what it actually says. I just saw the 'H' at the end wich made me frozen, and as much as I want to I can't move. He actually texted me. I can feel April looking at me and I just want her out. I want to read this message on my own. I try to think of something good to say but nothing works, not my brain not my muscels, not my voice. I end up saying ,half screaming, half crying, "Get out!" " everything good?" "yeah just get out." I say not caring how rude that might be. She leaves my room wich makes me feel much better. I sit down on my bed and am about to read the Text when I realize that it might not even be him, or he might has just texted to say that we are done, or....I should just stop to overthink everything. I'm just gonna read the message.

Hi Kristy

Sorry this text comes so late, has been a busy day. I would really wanna spend some time with you;) let me know when you've got time -H

I read through the text probably a million times. What was wrong with me? I decide it is the fact that I just got a message from Harry Styles, wich also explains the attack I got when I saw the text. I don't know what to say. I mean I can't say no can I? This is probably the best, and most exiting thing that has ever happend to me but then again it is something that could hurt me so much. I'm just tired and so done with basically everyone. I lay down on my bed and stare at the celing. I'm thinking of everything and nothing. To be honest I feel so strange at this moment, really happy and excited but afraid and sad at the same time. I'm torn between beeing brave and beeing safe. Finally I go on my phone again but then decide to go on insta. The first post on my timeline is a quote wich says:

Sometimes all you need is twenty seconds of insane courage, just literally twenty seconds of embarrassing bravery. And I promis you, something great will come of it.

I see it as I sign and start to write my answer for Harry.


I'm free today...

It is a bad text and I know that prefectly good but I just can't think of anything better so I send it. Some seconds later I receive an answer

I'll come and pick you up in bout 30 minutes-H

Excitement starts to build in me. It feel so strange, scared, we won't have a good time, that he'll be bored with me or find out how weird and stupid I actually am. Really happy that I'll see him (which made me crazy caus why would I actually get so exited, in the end he's just another guy?), that I'll be able to spend time with him, who actually asked me out, cause he wanted to. I just reply with:

Okay, see you then:)

Now panic starts to fill my whole body. What am I going to wear?? I go through every wearable piece I own but can't find anything I like. Okay that's ridiculous! Just be yourself! I ask myself: What would you wear if it was just you? What is you?

I end up wearing a gray sweater with a dark red skirt and high socks to feel a bit warmer. I'm about to put on some more make-up when it nocks at my door. Fuck! I think to myself and open the door. Harry smiles at me and I just forget what I was about to do for some seconds, or minutes I really loose any time orientation. I finally find myself again and say :"I need to put on some make-up can you wait a sec?""You don't need make-up, you look stunning without it", he says in his slow deep voice. "Hahaha thx",I respond not really believing him. "No seriously, lets go, you look beautiful. I'm sure make-up couldn't make you any prettier." He then walks out of my room not giving me the opportunity to say something. I follow him to a car. It isn't a car I imagine a super star would have. It is nice don't get me wrong but not one of those expensive ones. He opens the door for me. I get in the car and he does aswell. "you don't like make-up do you?", I ask. "Oh...I've met so many people hiding behind their make-up, thinking they can't leave the house without it, even if they only hang out with friends. I think that's stupid. What friends would that be if you have to hide yourself from them. The people worth keeping in your life are the ones accepting you how you are." "And how do you find them", I ask really not knowing. He might be right, but meeting this kind of people isn't something easy. I mean especially if you don't wanna trust the wrong people. " Be yourself""What?" "you need to be yourself, I think, cause only then people will be able to see how amazing you are", he smiles at me. "you don't even know me, so why do you think I am?" "yeah that's true." he says and then speeds up his car.

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