Chapter 4

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I just stare at him. And he just stares at me. What is he doing here? How did he even find me, London is so big. "Hi", he says smiling at me. "Hi", I say with a smile on my face. It isn't on purpose, it just happens. His smile makes me smile too, I can't help it. "I found you. I was searching for you the whole day and now you're here. I can't believe it." "And I can't believe that you actually searched me...", I say. "Why have you?", I ask still not able to believe it. He smiles at me and comes one step closer. "You are gorgeous..."he says, pauses for some seconds and then adds "...and I really want your number."
He smirks at me constantly as I  give him my number. "Could you please stop it?" I mumble too shy to speak up. "whatever you wish for pricess", he says with his calm and deep voice. I love the way it sounds. Just so claming and it makes you feel like you are safe. Like there are no bad things in this world and you can just be you without beeing judged.
As I look up, I see him staring at me again. "You okay?" I ask. "yeah" he say as he looked at me thoutful. As I look into his beautiful eyes I lose every time feeling. After a while, I can't tell whether it was seconds or minutes something scares me like hell.

"Should this be the last thing I see, I want you to know it's inuf for me, caus all that you are is all that I'll ever need, I'm so in love"

"Sorry that's my phone", Harry says with a soft voice. He answers the phone and steps away a little.

Tenerife sea. That's his ringtone. That is one of my favoutite songs ever. I love Ed Sheeran he is just amazing. I love music in general but Ed has always been my fave, long befor he was so famous.

"I'm sorry but I need to go now" he lets me know, sounding really sorry. "Well I think I should go to sleep anyways."I say as I stand up. "Okay I'll call you",he says as he walks to the door. He comes closer. I just take one step back and say"by Harry". He smiles at me and says by too.

I know he wanted to hug me but I can't stand beeing touched. I just can't no matter about who we are talking. It gives the person the oppertunity to hurt you and it scares me. Like a lot. I hate myself for that even more but with what happend. Well I don't wanna think about that now. I just went to bed.


"Kristy!" sombody shouted. I woke up, terrified of what woud happen.

No this can't happen agian. He stopped two weeks ago but now he started again.

"f**k Kristy! Where are you?!" I didn't say anything. I just hid in my room, hoping he wouldn't find me. The door opened and one second later I felt a tight grip around my wrist. I screamed caus my bruises hurted like hell. "Why...Why are you not answering me." he said with his drunk voice. "Leave me alone!" I spoke up. "You know you are only making it worse!" he said while he squited at me."Please, I didn't do anything" He laughed loud and came closer. He pulled up my shirt and pressed me down on my bed. "What's wrong with you! You've got a lovely girlfiend and..." "Lovely?!? She's old and used. I want something fresh!" " Don't talk about my mum like that!" "Who do think you are?!" he now shouted. He took out a blade and ram it in my back. I screamed full of pain. I tried to make him stop but what can a little girl do to someone like him. A masive guy. He is one of those who used to play football and he still is as muscular as he was back then. I screamed and almost ran out of breath. "Stop it!" I said softly caus I had no energy left. I cryed and screamed caus it was so much pain. He cut me more and more. I coud already see th blood on my bed.


"AAaaaahhhhh" I scream sitting in my bed wide awake. I breath relly fast and I'm scared to death. I look around myself. No blood on my bed, no sing of anyone else in my room. I stand up and run to my bathroom. No new bruises visible. Thank good It was only a nightmare. Well it would be more correct if I'd say a dream that remembers me about what happend, so I'll never be able to forget. I have those quite often and they all were like hell. I hate my life.

I sit down slowly as I'm crying. Why me? Did I really deserve this? I will never be able to live a normal life. I just want someone to be here for me and listen to me no matter what time I cal them. But how shoud I meet someone like that if I lock myself into my room. But I can't go out. I can't trust anyone and I can't let anyone into my life.

I sit there for a really long time crying till I decide to go back to bed. I just lay there overthinking everything till I finally fell asleep my eyes filled with tears.


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