Chapter Six

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Cuss came back later that night and had curled up next to Darry. Cocoa had just sighed and threw the cat a furious look before grabbing her bag and heading to the bus stop.

A few pigeons scattered away with coos as she walked by, her feet making a light tapping sound as she walked. She couldn't help but feel as if she was being watched- she pulled her blade from her back pocket and put it into her jacket pocket. She shivered as she walked towards the alley. She was pulled into the alley; Cocoa tried to pull out her blade, but it was slapped out of her hands. She silently cursed as it knocked into a trash can and out of sight.

"Why have you been looking for me?"

The voice came with a males Canadian accent.. Cocoa spit in his face, and attempted to shove him away. He didn't budge.

"Why are you looking for me," he said more as a command rather than a question.

"I don't know what you're talking about!" Cocoa practically shouted. He clamped a hand on her mouth.

"Then why are you asking if people know me then, eh?" He asked. Cocoa bit his hand and he jumped. His hood slid off his face. Cocoa was shocked to see how, well, pretty the boy was. Had his hair been longer, he would have been able to pass for a girl. He had jet black hair that was styled in a Mohawk, with yellow eyes that reminded her of Cuss. He wore a silver stud in one ear, and a long scar along his face.

Cocoa jumped into a fighting stance after a moment of hesitation. Her left fist was raised and her right made a decent shield around her stomach. The Canadian glared at her, "I'm not here to fight. I want to know why the hell you keep trying to find me!"

"Find Jason!" Sky's words rang in her ears. Her jaw dropped and her fists dropped to her sides, "Jason?"

The Canadian visibly stiffened, "Oui, what's it to you?"

"Sky," Cocoa gasped.

The Canadian grabbed her arm, "How do you know him-"

His eyes flickered over her, "You're Darrel's sister."

"H-how..." Cocoa sputtered. She couldn't seem to find words for what she was feeling at the moment about Jason.

Jason groaned, "Sky mentioned a Cocoa, but I didn't think he meant you."

Cocoa felt a bit angered by this, "What is wrong with me?"

"Nothing," Jason said quickly, "But I knew Dally."

Cocoa felt sick, "How?"

Jason ran a hand through his hair, "Dally was....well we had a thing for a while. Before he met that Cade guy," Jason said bitterly before he continued, "He cheated on me for that little peice of-" He stopped noticing Cocoa's reaction, "Anyway, let's just say it wasn't good."

Cocoa glanced back down the alley, "I'm skipping school and you're going to come with me to the hospital to see Sky."

Jason gave her a grin, "You learn from Dallas quick. Let's go."

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