So . . . This is Still a Thing

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I completely forgot about this book. It was meant to be my biggest book I ever do, that last upwards of 50 chapters with a sequel book, but then it turned into my most neglected book. Fun fact! this book hasn't been updated in the longest out of my 20+ stories.

I ended the last chapter terribly and I plan on improving the writing for this book. I won't edit the previous chapters, I don't do that shit, too much work, I'll just mold the story to fit what I plan for it.

Anyway. Should I update the cover for this book? The current cover is complete ass. I don't even have it on my phone anymore (new phone) let me snag it real quick.  .  . Alright I got it.

Let me actually make a new cover so I can compare the 2. Give me a sec . . . Alright so I made one real quick.

Should I change the cover, and if so, which one do you like more

Should I change the cover, and if so, which one do you like more

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Something big is cumming, and it isn't Narutos dong

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Something big is cumming, and it isn't Narutos dong

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