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Two spotlights swirled around the tent for a few moments, then finally rested on a tall slender man standing at the center of the ring. "Ladies and gentlemen, it is my greatest pleasure to welcome you to today's show." He spoke with a very silky smooth British accent. The audience erupted with applause, especially the children. "The first act of the afternoon is our two acrobats." He said and then walked out of the ring. Two people came from a curtain at the back of the tent. Ash assumed that to be the place where all the performers waited until it was their turn to perform. The acrobats were dressed in lavish costumes and began doing crazy stunts Ash had never seen before. The woman climbed onto the man's shoulders and she did a backflip only to land on the palms of his hands. As they executed it flawlessly the crowd erupted in applause. He let her down smoothly and gracefully and then they both began walking towards a ladder. Once they got to the top, the entire audience turned their attention to the ceiling of the tent where they were both about to walk across a tightrope. Once again the woman climbed onto his shoulders but this time she did a handstand on his hands. There were gasps heard through the room as he began walking across the tightrope. "Oh my gosh!" Said Ash with a slight whisper. She covered her mouth with her hands, she couldn't breathe. The girl on the man's hands began changing positions and moving about and it was so fascinating to watch as he kept his balance and kept walking. "How on earth is this possible?" Said Mrs. Brown. "I know, it's like they're defying gravity," Ash responded. Once the man finished walking across the tightrope they descended the ladder and took a final bow. The audience applauded their performance there were even some people giving them a well deserved standing ovation. They bowed deeply and then gracefully exited the stage.

Following this act came a Lion Tamer who did a bunch of amazing tricks and stunts with three large Lions that were twice the size of the man. Then a strong man graced the stage showing off his massive muscles and lifting enormous objects like a 700-pound barbell, two large barrels filled with beer and a cage with the same three lions the tamer had performed with previously. This was ash least favorite part of the show because her father could lift more than that so this wasn't as impressive to her. Then a few Clowns came onto the stage and did a funny dance, which ended up being a crowd favorite. Some Contortionists turned themselves into pretzels. The audience was so quiet and in awe for their performance it was deafening. and finally her favorite part, The Magician. She The ring leader from the beginning of the show came back into the ring as he did for the other acts. "For our final act, we have a very gifted young man performing some whimsical tricks. Hisoka Morrow everyone." The crowd applauded the boy walked onto the stage. The first thing Ash noticed was his eyes, and how they were a most beautiful amber yellow color. He began by grabbing the top hat he was wearing and proceeded to show the audience there was nothing inside only to release three beautiful white doves from it and sit them on his shoulders. Ash was mesmerized and could not take her eyes off of the stage. He instructed the doves to fly off of the stage before performing his next trick which involved a volunteer. Like there was no tomorrow Ash raised her hand so quickly she almost gave herself whiplash. The boy scaled the room looking for a volunteer and his eyes met hers without speaking he slowly pointed in Ash's direction. Her eyes widened with excitement.

She stood up and headed for the ring and the audience began clapping for her. She was now standing next to him. "What's your name my dear?~" the minute Ash heard his voice she became even more enthralled. It took her a minute to respond "Ash." She almost tripped over her words. He narrowed is golden eyes and smiled at her. "Welcome to the stage, Ash.~" He said loud enough for the audience to hear. he looked back at her once again. "Now, enjoy the show.~" She had never heard a voice sound a silky smooth as his, it soothed her while simultaneously unsettling her. Ash looked a tad closer at his face and saw that the boy appeared to have a small cut on his cheek. It looked like it was inflicted by a sharp knife. Her Excitement and bewilderment went to immediate sorrow as she knew where that cut came from and then her mind went to a dark place, what is this circus doing to you Mr morrow? But she quickly wiped the concern off her face and tried to not pay to much attention because she was afraid he would notice. "Watch as I pull a golden coin from behind this girl's ear!~" He reached behind her ear and slowly pulled out a gold coin. He promptly raised it and showed the audience. Her jaw dropped, Ash couldn't sense any trickery. Just pure magic, and a slightly malevolent aura."H-how did you do that?" she asked absolutely dumbfounded. "A magician never reveals his secrets.~" He smirked. For once she couldn't figure out the magicians tricks. Which almost made her love his act even more and that surprised her. Then, in a flash he transformed the cane he had in his left hand into a beautiful bouquet of roses then handed them to her as a thank you. Once she took them from him Hisoka bowed flamboyantly and then kissed her hand gently. Her face immediately shown red as he looked back at her and winked. Her face went from a harmless pink to a deep red in an instant and she swore she heard him laugh a little when she did. She walked back to her seat in a daze. As she sat down she smelled the flowers that Hisoka had given her, she was infatuated with them and his performance. Hisoka promptly went back to his act and did a few more tricks like juggling, he did some amazing card tricks which were Ash's favorite, and some close-up magic. And with that, the boy finished his act and Ash applauded the loudest out of everyone. Hisoka walked off the stage after bowing and then before she knew it the show was over.

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