A Curious Boy

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A few weeks had passed since Ash had last seen Hisoka and ever since that night, she could not stop thinking about him. The images of him being beaten by that man flashed in her head. Normally, when she'd watch fight scenes on TV or watch a match at heavens arena she wouldn't be bothered by it at all. But when it came to Hisoka, the slightest amount of tears filled her eyes every time she thought about it and her mind swam with sympathy. Why was that? She thought to herself. She met him once and knows next to nothing about him. Why did she care so much? It was about afternoon time when she decided to head outside to start her daily workout. Maybe then she could take her mind off of him. "Why would I just let him leave like that without saying a word?" She said to herself while doing some crunches. "Either way, I don't think I could have stopped him." Ash tried to reassure herself that she did everything she could. But, to no avail, she still blamed herself. Ash lay on the ground looking at the harsh afternoon sun. "Seems working out isn't an option right now... Maybe I'll meditate!" Ash relaxed her Nen and closed her eyes, trying to clear her mind of everything. She imagined all her thoughts washing away like a wave drawing away from the shore. It started to work and her mind was more at ease. After fifteen minutes of meditation, she got up  and wiped her sweaty forehead and began working on her Nen.

Ash noticed her progress on her ten and that put her in a better mindset. As she worked her way to releasing her hatsu she shook the ground. It shook so much that one of the neighbors next door came outside of their house, peeked over the fence separating them and asked "did you do that? That's some power you got there." Ash looked in his direction "Thanks Mr. Thomas!" She smiled. This further boosted her confidence. She looked around the backyard and she truly saw the aftermath of her hatsu. "Oh well, better start cleaning up." And she began tidying up. Her father hated a messy house.

30 minutes later...

"Done!" She breathed with exhaustion and began fanning herself with her dirt stained hand. Once she caught her breath she walked inside to go get cleaned up. She stripped down and got into the shower, washing all the dirt and sweat from her body. Then she changed into some jeans and a t-shirt and tidied up her room. Ash breathed a sigh of relief after everything was clean and she could just relax for the rest of the day. So she walked downstairs to make herself a much-needed lunch. "Damnit! Out of food again!" Ash said with a grunt. She didn't feel like going to the store again. But if she wanted to eat, she knew what she had to do. So, She grabbed her wallet and house key then headed out.

She had forgotten how nice it was outside today. Now that Ash was outside she was kinda glad she went. But her happiness was short-lived however when she saw a large group of people running towards her. She tried dodging but she ended up bumping some of the people anyway. She tried getting to the sidewalk where there were fewer people. "What is going on?!" She yelled over the crowd. No one heard her. She tried looking over the crowd to see where the people were coming from. It was the circus. Ash suddenly had a bad feeling about this, then her heart and stomach dropped to the floor as Hisoka came into her mind. She ran toward the tent as fast as she could. Hoping that her gut was wrong and everything was ok. But unfortunately When she got there her intuition had been correct. She saw a bloody corpse on the ground. It appeared to have been beaten and stabbed multiple times, and there was a big laceration to the corpse's throat. And a blood-soaked Hisoka standing to the side of it. "My god Hisoka... What did you do?" That was all she could get out. Her eyes widened, she stood there distraught. Hisoka simply looked back at her with a plain, expressionless face but his eyes told a different story, one of sorrow and dread. What truly lies behind those eyes, Hisoka? She wondered. The damn that blocked the waterworks broke and tears began streaming down her face. As they flowed she tried getting it together and whipped the tears away. She ran up to him nonetheless grabbed the boy's hand like he did the night they met, to her dismay he pulled it away. "Why are you so keen to help me Ash? We hardly know one another.~" He had a point. Why did she feel the need to help him so much? More so than anyone she's ever met before. "Maybe its because I know what it feels like to be alone and I wouldn't wish that upon anyone. And I also enjoy genuinely helping others in need." The tears kept on flowing but she tried putting on a brave face and smiled curtly at him. Hisoka walked closer to her, stashing the bloodied playing card he had in his hand back into the deck. They were now only a few feet apart. "If you don't want to get caught, you need to come with me." She said. Then offered her hand once more. To her surprise, he took it. And they ran faster than they ever have before.

They got back to her house before the police arrived at the scene. both were gasping for air because of how fast they had run. "Ok... Now can you tell me what the hell happened back there?" Ash sat at the couch and Hisoka leaned against the wall next to the couch. "The man that you saw, his name was Moritonio and he was my mentor." Hisoka dropped his gaze. "Why did you kill him?" She said with a bit of frustration in her tone now. There was a moment of silence until Hisoka said "that, I can not say." Ash's frustration turned into anger "Why?" Hisoka began shuffling through a deck of cards "Because it's not important and doesn't benefit either of us if I tell you." "Fine. Don't tell me then. I don't even know why I bothered helping you if you're not going to tell me why you did what you did." She didn't really mean that obviously, but she was so angry she couldn't stand it, but the words just fell out of her mouth. "Getting a little feisty are we?" Hisoka chuckled. "As I said, it won't benefit either of us if I tell you." He continued shuffling his deck. I'll get you to talk one day, Hisoka. Mark my words, she thought. "That was the man that would torture you, correct?" She said very plainly. He dropped his cards at her statement. Which answered every question she had. "Damn it, Hisoka." She uttered moments later. He picked up his cards from the floor using some sort of pink sticky looking stuff. 

So he knows how to use nen...  he must be a transmuter... Ash thought to herself.

"Can I ask you something, Hisoka?" He looked up at her "hmm?" "How are you able to move on with this? I get it, he did awful things to you. But, You mercilessly killed that man and you're not the least bit phased?" Ash was curious to hear his response. "Why worry about trash? He doesn't matter to me." Said Hisoka. Ash was underwhelmed by his answer. "Really? Taking his life didn't matter to you?" She asked. "No, that was the least of my worries. He was weak and insignificant and deserved to die at my hand." He said menacingly. Ash began to sense a strange aura coming off of Hisoka, it was mysterious, angry, and bloodthirsty.

So this is what they call bloodlust. Better not make this one too angry.

 Even after everything he told her, she still wasn't too scared of him. If anything, he intrigued and confused her more than anything. "I noticed that you know how to use nen. did that Moritonio teach you?"

"Of course I do. I'm a transmuter. What do you know of nen?" Hisoka said. "I only know the four exercises. When my father comes back he wants me to perform the water divination test." Ash said. "Why await his return? Let's do it now!" Said Hisoka, he stood from the couch. "Because my father is my Sensei and I do as I'm told." She said sternly. He put his cards away and stood up off the wall. "Come on Ash, that's boring. I can show you how to do it." The idea was tempting, but Ash still declined. "Very well then.~" he cooed in a sing-song voice. She quickly changed the subject. "So, what do you wanna do?" Ash asked. Hisoka paused for a moment, then a grin played on his face "let's play a game.~"

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