Two Truths And A Lie

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"Hmm. Why am I not the least bit surprised?" Said Ash sarcastically. "Any suggestions?" Ash wasn't sure of many games since she never had anyone to play with. "Well, I have my cards. I can teach you how to play just about any card game!~" Hisoka pulled out his deck and started to toss them from one hand to the other using his magic tricks to try and wow her. He failed..."Nah, I was thinking more like a game of truth or dare," Ash said. She had seen other people play the game in movies. "Truth or dare. I've played it once, but it ended with me killing someone." Hisoka said with a giggle. "Umm. Then maybe let's stay away from that." He chuckled. "Well...How about two truths and a lie?" She suggested. "Now that could be fun." Hisoka seemed intrigued. "And it could give us a chance to get to know each other better. I've never had a friend before." Said Ash a little glumly. "Neither have I, so this is rather new for me as well.~" Ash was curious. "Really? Why?" "No one ever really sparked my interest. No one i met or was introduced to was worth making friends with. That was until I met you. You seem like quite the interesting person.~" A slight blush formed on her cheeks no one had ever complimented her before. God I hope he's not a mind reader, Ash thought to herself. "You think I'm interesting? How so?" She wanted to hear more. "well, I'd have to say its because Im utterly fascinated by your Nen. You are going to be quite powerful one day. just like myself." Ash was slightly dumbfounded and slightly flattered. she didn't exactly know what to say so all she responded with was "Thanks?" He walked over to the couch and sat himself next to her. "Ah! Your all dirty! My dad will kill me if he sees there's blood on his couch!" Ash yelled. "Go get cleaned up and then we can play." "Fine~" he said and got up to go take a shower and change. When he left the room she took a minute to process everything that went down in the past hour. She was kind of shocked at what Hisoka was saying to her. 'You're going to be quite powerful one day?' How does he even know that? Ash thought to herself. 'that pompous piece if crap thinks he'll be as strong as me? HE WISHES'

Hisoka walked downstairs in the same clothes I lent him the last time. He had a towel over his amber hair and the face makeup he usually wore was no longer there. She noticed a fluttering feeling in her stomach that she hadn't before. And then it hit her, why she was so inclined on helping a literal stranger. 'Now that I think about it, he is rather cute.' she had such ambivalent feelings about him. she didn't know whether to like him or stay the heck away from him "Did you find everything ok, Hisoka?" She asked him trying to hide her very prominent blush. "Indeed.~" he said as he took a seat across from her at the dinner table. His damp hair fell effortlessly in front of his face, ash turned from a rosey pink color to a deep shade of red. She composed herself and said "ready for me to kick your butt?" Hisoka leaned over the table and with a devilish smirk said "Lets do this." 

"I'll go first. Hmm, let's see... 1) I've been to every continent. 2) I can run 10 miles straight. 3) I have an IQ of 200. Which one is the lie?" Ash was sure she could stump Hisoka for sure. "The third one is a lie." 'Does he think I'm dumb? ' He responded immediately after she finished her bit. "How how did you guess so fast?" She wasn't entirely sure she wanted to play this game anymore. What was the fun if he was able to tell her answers immediately? And in the process manage to insult her. "A magician never reveals his secrets.~" He knew he had gotten to her and decided to play on it further. "Seriously? I saved your ass twice and you insult me!?" She crossed her arms and sat back in her chair, not making eye contact. She accepted that he wouldn't play fair and would continue to insult her. But Ash had a plan and she preemptively thought of some truths and lies that would for sure stump Hisoka. "Fine, I'm sorry." he tried hiding his chuckle to no avail. "The key to stumping someone on a lie is confidence. As you can see I have loads of it so you'll never be able to tell when I lie." oh brother, what is with this pompous attitude? Ive got a rough one on my hands.

30 minutes into the game...

"Ok my turn again. 1) I got into a car crash when I was three. 2) My mother tried killing me in my sleep. 3) and my father kills people for a living. Which one is the lie?" This time Hisoka took a few moments to respond. Its working!!! She though. "Number one?" Hisoka stated. "Incorrect. The lie was number two." Ash was beaming inside that she had stumped Hisoka for once. "You got me. Well done.~" Said Hisoka. "Now, it's my turn." Said Hisoka. "1) I tried killing my father. 2) I was going to have an arranged marriage but then I killed the girl because she was no fun at all. 3) My name isn't Hisoka. Which one is the lie?" Ash thought about it for a moment. "Number three is the lie." She said confidently. "You're correct! I'm impressed, Ash. You pick up quickly.~" Ash was too caught up in his truths to revel in her win. "You... were going to be in an arraigned marriage?" She was very much interested now. She didn't pick Hisoka to be the type to be in a relationship. "Oh, jealous are you? So jealous you didn't even bring up the fact that I killed her in cold blood. How very interesting.~" He stood up and leaned in again, closer than the last time. mere centimeters from Ash's face. "No!" She said defensively. Hisoka pulled away slowly and sat back into the chair  never taking his eyes off of her. "It was mostly for my benefit, you see. My mother died due to a horrible illness and it was her plan to set me up with my mentor Moritonio's daughter. But, it didn't suit my fancy and I killed her. That's when the abuse from Moritonio started to get worse." upon hearing this, things clicked into place for her. "So Moritonio was the one I saw abusing you the night we met then, huh?" "Yes that's correct." He simply stated. "He wanted to kill me, but he was more worried about losing the circus and receiving a nasty reputation. So instead decided to torture me until I descended into madness and I would kill myself I presume." "Little did he know who he was dealing with." Ash said. "Precisely.~" he grinned devilishly.

They continued their back and forth of exchanging answers and getting to know each other better. There were a lot of things Ash wouldn't have guessed about him, and a lot of things he wouldn't have guessed about her either. Ash was further intrigued and bewildered at his mannerisms. He is such an enigma I can barely wrap my head around him. 

Some time later...

They began cleaning the downstairs in utter silence. "Are you going to stay with me now or are you going to run away again?" She asked breaking the silence. "I don't really have much of a choice? So Ill stay. Don't want to be too much of an imposition to you or your father." He responded. "Ill handle my father, don't worry about him. I'm more worried about you." She was genuinely annoyed with his resistance when it came to her help. "Do I strike you as the type to ask for help? because I've done just fine for myself over these past sixteen years." He said with his pompous tone. Her heart slightly ached for him, he really spent his whole life alone. just like she had. and just like that her feelings turned from ambivalent to sure. "Well. Not necessarily. But, suck it up because Im offering it to you anyways." He gawked at her, eyes wide like two yellow marbles. "Fair enough. Thank you.~" this was the first time he properly thanked her and she felt better. "I'm going to bed now. You can take the couch." She turned and walked up the stairs to her room. "Very well.~" he said. She really is very interesting... Hisoka thought as a wicked smile played on his face again.

another week had passed and the two of them continued as roommates. Hisoka mindlessly passing the time and Ash anxiously awaiting her fathers return. she was out of practice in her nen, the house was a mess and she got off her routine. but she was too riddled with dread to fix anything and she knew her house guest wouldn't be much help to her either. no matter how many times she begged him to help he would worm his way out. but, as she got to know him more, she found him more tolerable and grew to enjoy his company. despite the lazy attitude towards cleaning. 

on one sunny morning, Ash and Hisoka were still asleep. the birds were chirping, the leaves rustled with the slight spring breeze outside and everything was peaceful. until, tthe sound of stomping and yelling coming from downstairs woke Ash and Hisoka with a start.

 "Ash! Who is this boy!?" Her father had come home from work. "Oh god." Ash whimpered.

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