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Olivia Reyes

I stepped outside of the elevator without saying a word, silently thanking the heavens above that Lando's room and mine weren't on the same floor. Sadness was still washing over me, its waves gripped me and refused to let go of me. I had no energy left to be angry anymore, though my blood was just beginning to cool from the boiling point it had been in recently.

I made my way down the long hotel hallway towards my room, fighting against gravity and against the urge to simply collapse onto the floor and sleep right there. I looked down at my suitcases. They'd be shitty pillows.

Just keep walking Olivia.

I pulled out my keycard and entered the room, not bothering to roll the suitcases for a second longer and dragged my feet towards the bed. I let myself crash into it and feel my body sink onto the soft white duvet. My eyes closed as I took in a deep breath and exhaled every single bit of it until my lungs were empty, wishing to get the entire weekend off my system as easily as that sigh.

"Knock, knock!" Gianna spoke from outside of the room.

"Go awaaaay." I groaned lazily, feeling every single muscle of my back relax as I enjoyed the soft bed under me.

Suddenly, I opened my eyes and saw Gi standing in front of my bed, making my heart stop for a second. Her signature pin-straight brunette hair was up in a bun and her body was no longer dressed in the Ferrari attire from before, she now sported a white shirt under a brown knitted vest I had gifted her.

"Jesus Christ you scared the shit out of me."

"Your door was ajar." She said with an innocent smile as she wiggled a thin white box on her hands. "I brought dooonuts!" She chanted with a sing-song voice.

"By the Order of The Reyes, you are forgiven, Gianna Bianchi." I clasped my hands together and imitated a 'royal' voice as best as I could. "Okay now please get closer, I literally have no energy left to take a donut." Gianna let out a laugh.

"Even if it's chocolate donuts?"

I quickly sat on the bed. "Okay hand them over. Not a word to Santiago though!"

Gianna cackled as she brought a hand to her mouth and imitated a zipper closing above her lips.

Nothing, and I mean nothing beats chocolate donuts.

"Thought you'd need these after today." She said, sitting down next to me and picking up a strawberry donut from the white box between us.

"So you agree he's intolerable." I took a bite of the chocolate donut, my eyes closing themselves involuntarily due to the pleasure my taste buds were experiencing. Lando Norris was awful, but chocolate donuts would never do me any harm.

"I'm pretty sure that isn't even up to debate."

Someone knocked on the door.

"Must be Charles," I spoke with a mouthful of bread and chocolate that barely allowed me to be understood.

Charles would always come to my room to chat for a while before he left for after-race parties, either to talk me into going with him —which he'd achieved several times—, or to just make sure I felt invited and knew he'd be there if I ended up wanting to leave my room.

"Come in! It isn't locked!" Gi raised her voice as her hands reached out for a strawberry donut inside the box.

Charles walked in, his body dressed in a fancy white button-up and dark jeans.

"Hi, just wanted to visit you before I left to check in with—DONUTS!" His entire face changed from its initial warm and concerned expression as enthusiasm flooded his cheeks into a smile.

Faking it || Lando Norris LNWhere stories live. Discover now