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Saturday. France Grand Prix.

Lando had made the house of cards stand stronger.

Olivia's peace could no longer be disturbed as easily, not even with the amount of press following the two of them as the first race weekend back from summer break rolled back in. Not even with how many magazines and news outlets ached for something to happen between the two.

They'd managed to avoid each other down to perfection. Olivia knew that even walking past him would make a headline. If they walked past each other, a greeting or lack thereof would make the entire world break into a frenzy. She held her head high and deleted all social media apps from her phone, leaving them open in Charles' phone in case she needed to post anything, but she was done with overthinking and finding out what the world said about her or Lando. She knew Lena and Charles would tell her whatever they thought crucial for her to know. Besides, she was more thrilled than ever to have Lena back in the circuit this weekend.

The bounce in Olivia's step was back, as were the laughs with the mechanics and engineers. Charles was breathing a little deeper these days, relishing the sight of a version of Olivia he'd never seen before. The walls around her were no longer impenetrable walls of a stone-made fortress but rather those of a beautiful castle she'd built to keep her peace safe. Her castle's walls were beautiful and decorated with flowers. They were warm and intended to keep those around her safe, to hold refuge for those she loved, and make sure no one could erase or distort the memories of those she'd loved before.

Olivia's presence was shining again, and the world could tell the sun would've been jealous.

Across the circuit, Lando and his new girl made headlines with every step they took. After being photographed at that Italian beach from earlier this week, the two were no longer hiding their faces, and everyone in the paddock marveled at how gorgeous she was. Especially Olivia. She'd always thought Mia Violet was stunning.

Olivia had only caught glimpses of the two from a distance, and she couldn't help but notice how easily Lando's smile came to him whenever he was around the blonde. There was an air of comfort surrounding them every time she saw them. The kind you can't fake. They weren't holding hands, not yet, or maybe not in public, but Olivia could tell they were close already.

Her mind didn't go to the worse of places anymore. Sure, at the sight of their lack of hand-holding, her mind had instantly wondered how long it would take them to do it. A part of her even wondered how long it would've taken Lando and her, had their situation begun differently. However, the thought didn't hurt. Olivia simply swatted it away like a fly, neither bothered by it nor allowing it to take too much space inside her mind.

As soon as the last practice before qualifying was done, Olivia made her way to the Ferrari lounge and into her private room. Given that she had time to kill, she dug into her suitcase for one of the books she'd packed. It seemed ages ago. She hadn't read all summer nor printed polaroids. A sad feeling fluttered by. Olivia had been at her "peak" this summer. Never before had she been as decorated in driving reviews, news articles, sponsorship deals, and magazine covers. And yet, it had all been a blur to her.

But she was back to being present. She was back to being herself.

However, as soon as Olivia opened the book, a polaroid fell to the ground.

Her heart skipped a beat when her eyes landed on the image. It was the polaroid picture of Lando she'd printed when she was at home, the one she'd printed to give to him as a gift when they were reunited.

She took a deep breath before bending her knees and recovering it from the floor. Lando's smile had been wide during that moment —even if only briefly before he'd crashed Charles' bike. Olivia looked at it and discovered a fond feeling spreading inside her chest. This was it. She was getting there. Olivia didn't bother anymore wishing or praying to attain some sort of closure through speaking with Lando. She was beginning to be able to think of him fondly, and that was all the closure she would ever need.

She was beginning to be able to let go.

Olivia took the picture and placed it at the bottom of her suitcase, determined to think about what to do with it later, and grabbed another one from the small stash of pictures she'd printed at home. After going through a few of them, she found a photo of her with the boys. A warm smile invaded her face as she placed it on the book's first page.

To new beginnings, she thought.

She found a comfortable spot on her private room's couch and opened the book before the door flew open.

Lena jumped inside. Her eyes were wide over her flushed cheeks, as if she'd run to her all the way from the other side of the circuit.

"Len—?" Olivia began, her brows arched, and her face was confused.

"There's something you need to know," she rushed the words out before closing the door.

* * *

gotcha. 10-ish chapters left.

we're not done here.


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