Chapter 17

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The smell of sour beer, burnt toast, and sweat smacked me in the face the moment I entered Rodney's. Kyle referring to this place as a shit hole was an understatement. However, the place possessed its own charm, and having worked in a bar for years before nursing, it felt like home. I was surprised at how busy the pub was for 7:45 on a Friday morning. The lighting was dim as was expected of a bar, and it took a moment for my eyes to adjust. I took a moment to admire the outdated décor. The place was adorned with wood paneling on the walls and matching scuffed up floors. The tables were dilapidated, but seemed to serve their purpose of holding the countless mugs of hefty beer for the working-class clientele. Frosty jade tinted light fixtures were plucked strategically throughout the bar offering a green hew throughout. Rodney's is exactly the type of place I expected the staff of Shelbyville to frequent for a drink.

"Katie!" I heard Kyle's voice cut through the ideal chatter of the other patrons. He was perched on a stool, bellied up to the bar beside Monica. He waved his long arm in the air which stuck out like a sore thumb considering his impressive height. I wasn't sure if this had been a good idea, I didn't want to intrude on their time together. What if it was a date? What if I was a third wheel? Kyle continued to flail his limb, I couldn't turn around now, I had been spotted. I began to weave through the crowd toward the bar. Monica who had been enthralled with the bartender the entire time averted her attention to Kyle and snatched his arm down. I took a deep breathe, this was a horrible idea.

"Hey! Thanks for joining!" Kyle greeted patting the empty bar stool beside him.

"Yes, thank you, now he can shut up about it," Monica grumbled rolling her eyes. The bartender chuckled as he leaned over the bar observing our interaction. I decided to focus my attention on him since I didn't know how to interpret the exchange between my co-workers. The bartender looked exactly like someone I would expect to work in this establishment. He was a little older than me, but still young, late twenties. He had dark almost brown hair that peaked out from under his fedora hat. His mustache was generous and demanded all the attention of his face. He had the ends curled up and secured with gel.

"What are you having to drink?" He inquired. I quickly glanced around the bar for a hint on what I should drink, I hadn't thought that far ahead. I glimpsed over at Kyle's glass for inspiration.

"The coffee flavored beer is good," he offered. Of course, he would drink coffee flavored beer. I nodded in agreement to the bartender and finally took a seat beside my colleague, happy that decision was over with.

"I didn't think you would show up," Monica began. I couldn't tell by her tone if the comment was neutral or the beginning of a fight.

"I did, she wasn't drugged or held hostage in a patient's room," Kyle joked before I could answer. Monica laughed and I felt myself relax.

"It's true," she agreed. The bartender set the beer down in front of me, foam cascading down the side of the iced glass. "Babe, this is the new nurse I was telling you about. The one that Carrie hates," Monica introduced. The bartender wiped his hands on the towel that was tied to his slacks.

"Leo, I'm Monica's boyfriend," he said holding his hand out for me to shake. I shook his hand and suddenly felt at ease. Monica was dating the bartender not Kyle, he had been the third wheel all this time, no wonder he invited me to come! Kyle cleared his throat. "Oh, yes, and unfortunately good friends with this asshole." Leo nodded his head over in the direction of Kyle. A customer at the far end of the bar demanded the attention of the bartender and he wandered off.

"We served in the army together," Kyle explained taking a generous swig of his beer. He motioned for me to try mine. I took a tentative sip. It had a bold flavor of coffee, but it wasn't unpleasant especially for beer which I couldn't normally palate. I nodded in approval. Kyle grinned and clinked his glass with mine. Monica held her almost empty mug up too.

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