Chapter 37

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It was amazing how refreshed I felt after just one day off, but I realized that getting back in the gym routine that had immensely lifted my spirits. I was even able to sneak in a quick workout in before my work. I felt much more at peace after having talked to Kyle and vocalized my fears about Stacey. I knew that there was still tension between us, but it seemed like a step in the right direction. I needed an ally in my prison, Shelbyville. I wasn't even halfway through my sentence, I had to somehow find the strength to get through, I had to survive, I had come too far, endured far too much.

I hadn't heard from Kyle, but I wasn't surprised by this, he had worked the night before and he probably didn't get the opportunity to investigate how Stacey knew the intimate details of the past. If I remembered correctly, he worked tonight also, perhaps we could get a spare moment and I could ask him in private. That would depend on many variables, the mood of the patients, how smoothly day shift had gone, and of course who the nurse and tech I worked with tonight. Luckily, I worked with Evie, but I also noticed Monica's silver SUV parked in the parking lot as I made my way into the ancient building.

I could tolerate Monica, especially if I had Evie, anyone was better than Carrie. Besides, was Monica really the culprit of relaying my personal demons to Stacey? She seemed like the likely culprit, but I needed to wait until I was certain, hopefully Kyle had found answers.

The sun was still illuminating golden rays of cheery optimism as I entered into the building, a reminder that winter was long gone, and warm weather was here to stay. I basked in my uncharacteristic good mood as the door closed behind me. Jerry rose to greet me and do the precursory check for weapons, a gesture that had intimidated me the first day, but now it was an old routine.

"Who are you working with?" I inquired as he fanned the wand over my legs. I already knew the answer to the question, but I didn't how else to ask without sounding impolite.

"Kyle," Jerry said cheerfully. I liked Jerry, he wasn't the most threatening of the security guards but he had a jovial demeanor that was useful in de-escalating many situations before they turned violent.

"Oh, ok," I said trying to sound casual. "Where is he off to?"

"East Wing, one of the patients got mouthy with one of the nurses," Jerry explained. He finished inspecting me and nodded signifying I was done and free to go. I was disappointed that Kyle was dealing with that situation and not down here to check me in for the shift, I was hoping to ask if he had found any information out. I scolded myself for being selfish as I made my way up to the West Wing. Initially it hadn't crossed my mind that Kyle might be in dangerous situation, hostile patients were always unpredictable, even the less violent ones on the East Wing.

The dynamics of the West Wing were strangely uncharacteristic as I walked onto the unit. The vast majority of the patients were huddled in the commons room. Travis and Charles were playing a game, which wasn't that bizarre of a sight, neither was Kenny and Glen seated on the couch watching television. What was odd was the fact that seemingly very other patient was also in this room, even the loners like Leon.

A shrill scream filled the air the exact moment that I realized that there was one patient missing, Stacey. The sound was coming from the other hallway, presumably from the patient rooms. I felt my heart slam in my chest as the second scream penetrated the air. I scanned the room quickly looking to see if Monica was tucked away somewhere watching the movie amongst the patients, but she was no where in sight, who was watching the patients then? None of the patients seemed concerned about the menacing screams, they kept their attention fixated on their respective activities. Where was Monica? Panic pulsated through my body as I realized that the cries for help must belong to her. I should call Kyle for help, but he was busy, Jerry wasn't he was just downstairs. Or I could rush into the break room and ask someone to help, or even better, maybe Jennifer could come help and Evie could call Jerry?

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