Part 35

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"Why are you sulking?"

He turned to his left to find the princess coming up to stand beside him, grabbing a drink from a passing servant as she did.

"I'm not," he replied.

She rolled her eyes. "Could have fooled me, Athalar. Have you never celebrated solstice before?"

He shrugged. "Never had much interest honestly. I don't even understand the point of it."

She looked at the ball room and sighed. "Honestly, I don't understand peoples need to do so either."

He raised a brow at her. "You don't-"

"I'm not saying I don't celebrate solstice. It's the longest night of the year so we Stargazers have a reason to do so." A smile graced her lips. "We used to spend all night on the roof of our home, doing anything that came to mind. Same was the case for Starfall."

She waved a hand at the room before them. "But everyone else seems to do so solely for the hell of it. What's the reason?"

He'd be lying if he said he'd ever thought of that. But if she preferred spending this day outside then why is she here inside?

"Then why did you come today?"

She sighed, taking a sip of her drink. "I had to make my presence known, you know."

He looked around the room before his eyes caught sight of the princes and her mate. Horren.

She seemed to follow his line of sight because she smiled and said, "I some time outside too, don't fret. And we plan to get drunk on the roof later so no problems there."

He cut a glance at her. "Why tell me? I could tell-"

"No you won't, Orion." He stiffened at the name. So he wasn't going insane. They had met before.

He sighed in relief. "Why-"

"I had reasons," she cut him off. "But Shahar was a friend sorts. Which reminds me." She brought her hand up between them, a small velvet box appeared, along with a letter. A closer look and he recognized the writing.

"I was supposed to give it to you ages ago, but I never stumbled upon Lunathion after that one time." She handed him the two things. "Take it."

He looked at her, then cut a glance at the room. She shrugged. "I don't care who sees. Their opinion is as much as horse shit to me."

He chuckled, taking what she gave him. "Thank you."

She smiled, waving it off, not realizing it meant more than he could bring to words.

"Take my word," she said after a few moments of silence. He looked at her to find her gazing ahead of her. He followed her line of sight to look at Bryce and Prince Maven, dancing together. He watched, clenching his jaw slighltly as she laughed at something he said. Genuinly smile. And he'd be blind if he didn't see the soft look in the princes gaze as she did. One he was all to familiar with. 

"Let her go, Athalar." He forced himself to look away. But he couldn't. So he asked, 

"I thought he had a mate."

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