Part 6

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She was late. I didn't know why or what happened but she was late.

She was never late.

If something came up she would have told me. Right? I looked at the time on the clock in my cabin that I had to stay in for the time. A cabin. How absolutely ironic.

It's been 2 hours now and I can't stop pacing around, overthinking all the situations she could have landed in. Where is she?

I was about to give up and go out looking for her when a knock sound on the door. I quickly made my way to it and opened the door. Please be her, please be her.

There she was, hand raised to knock yet again. I don't know if I can ever get tired of seeing that face. I sighed in relief at the sight of her smile which I would've returned with my own had I not noticed her eyes were red.

Like she had been crying.

Before I could ask, she made her way inside the cabin. I shut the door behind me and asked quietly,"are you ok?"

She said nothing, instead took off her backpack and set it on the floor, shrugged off her leather jacket and set it on the couch. "Echo," I said."What happened?"

She turned to me then and the smile was still on her face, brown eyes bright. She came over and wrapped her arms around my waist.

Not sure what to say to her, not without knowing what happened, I simply returned the embrace.

"Echo," I said once again. She hmm-ed in response, head still leaning against my chest. "Am I ever going to know what happened or are there more secrets on your part love."

She looked up and-I don't know why-still smiling, she said, softly,"I met someone today."

"Alright and who can that someone be to have you start crying like a child. Not that you aren't one already but-Ow!" She laughed as she pinched my side.

"I'm not a child, ok. Stop. Or I won't tell you who it was." How was she still smiling?

I raised a brow and asked, "Should I be worried?"

Her smile only widened as she looked over my shoulder towards the door. I made to look at who it was but she grabbed my face with both her hands, forcing me to look right at her.

"Echo, honestly, what's happening? Who did you meet? Did they do something?"

"If by something you mean take her to every drive thru that came on the way and get enough food to feed a family of 20 then yes."

My eyes widened at the voice while Echo's grin only grew. She pulled her hands away and gestured for me to look. I didn't need to. I know who it is.

I turned towards the doorway and met a pair of bright iris eyes. She smiled at me and said softly,"Hi Caius."

I moved on instinct, my body reacting before my mind can even process what was happening. I made my way over slowly, not really believing this was real.

The next thing I knew, I had her wrapped around my arms. She let out a small laugh before returning it.


I can't even say I'm surprised at his reaction. He came up to me like he was still processing if I was really there. As stupid as it sounded, it was expected.

We all didn't exactly part in the best situation. And I was not, in any way looking near ok at the time so....Yeah. Best farewell ever, wouldn't you say.

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