Chapter 15

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Ten years ago

"Prince Zerro, its time to wake up!"

The demon prince let out a groan and covered his head with his bedsheets as his butler entered the room and pulled open the curtain that shielded the light.

"I don't want to." He mumbled and his butler released a sigh.

"As the the future king of the demon realm-" The elderly worker started but Zerro cut him off by sitting up.

"I must be awake early, I know. You always say the same thing over and over again." Zerro rolled his eyes but a smile made its way onto his face.

His butler then proceeded to bring his clothes to him and placed them on the bed with a fresh towel, toothbrush and a cup.

"Breakfast will be ready in an hour so please be ready by then. Your majesty and Prince Erlik will be also having breakfast with you." He reminded and Zerro grabbed his items before making his way to his large bathroom.

Once he was washed and ready, he made his way to the dining room, greeting all the workers with a cheery smile. Once he entered the dining room, he was met with the sight of his brother and father eating their meals.

"Zerro, you're late." His father lightly scolded and the young male shrugged.

"I can't help it when I have to make myself look this handsome." Zerro sent his father a sly smile which earned him a laugh.

Erlik however let out a scoff and focused on finishing off his breakfast. Zerro noticed this and raised a brow but decided to shrug it off when he sat down and started eating.

"I've already told your brother so I shall tell you now. I've decided on who I want to inherit my position as king once I retire in the next week." His father said but Zerro wasn't interested, already predicting who it would be.

"It's you, Zerro."

Zerro choked on what he was munching on and quickly went to grab the water that was placed next to his plate.

"M-Me?!" He asked in disbelief, thinking his brother was to be the one to take over.

"Yes. I think you would be the one to lead the demon realm well."

Erlik had enough of hearing his father's words and abruptly stood up from his seat, storming out of the room and ignoring his father's calls.

"That boy..." His father muttered in disappointment while Zerro looked down at his plate of food, his appetite suddenly gone.

He stood up from his chair slowly and glanced at the king with a unconfident look.

"I'll go talk to him father." He assured the elder man and he recieved an answer through a nod.

Zerro left the dining room and walked through the halls until he reached his brothers room where he could hear angry mumbling.

"Erlik?" He called in a hesitant tone and it became silent before approaching footsteps were heard.

"What do you want?" His brother opened the door and sent him a glare causing him to avoid his eyes.

"Can I come in?" He asked in a meek tone.

Erlik only huffed before allowing his brother to enter his bedroom.

"Listen, Erlik. I-I'll talk to father and try to convince him to make you king. I...I don't think I'm ready for this kind of role." Zerro tried to assure him but the older male snapped back in anger.

"You know he won't change his mind. It's always been like this because he favours you the most." Erlik bared his teeth at his younger brother, a look of pure hate gleaming in his eyes.

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