6. Less Snob, More You

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Once Cassandra is out of sight, Seth makes his way back to the booth and questions me as to what I said to her and what she was like. I hated that question in particular because it means he's curious. Curiosity leads to dangerous attempts to get to know someone and understand them. I don't want him getting to know Cassandra at all.

But, I'm also not a liar.

So, I tell him the truth. She seemed nice and very forward, not easily intimidated, which I realize later is the worst thing I could have said. As words of praise tumble from my mouth, I can see the interest starting to glow behind his already very bright emerald eyes.

"You gonna give her a chance now?" I ask, my hands strangling each other in my lap.

He shrugs, pocketing his phone and then standing up. "Probably not."

"Good." It leaves my lips before I'm able to suck the single word back into my brain. My head is going to hurt so bad once I finish slamming it into my bedroom wall later.

"Good, why?"

I'm scrambling, but rather than fidget, I stretch my arms above my head and fake a yawn.

"Oh, you know," I say casually, hoping he can't hear the uncertainty in my tone, "you went from avoiding her two minutes ago to suddenly being interested because I happened to think she might be nice. If you want to look all desperate and gross, then go for it, but you don't know the girl at all."

"Wouldn't that be the point of giving her a chance?" he questions. Seth isn't the type to let his frustrations show, but I get the feeling I'm hitting a nerve because I see his jaw flex once as he waits for my response.

"Look," I say, standing to join Seth as we leave the coffee shop together. "I'm just saying, be careful. I saw some of those texts and those look like the determined words of a very hungry girl."

I laugh at my own choice of words, ignoring the fact that Seth doesn't join me. A moment later, he stops next to a Blue pickup truck and pulls his keys from his pocket. I watch him fiddle with them for a minute before swiveling around to face me. His forehead is pinched inquisitively but he hesitates. I prod him to speak with a lift of my brows and a nod in his direction.

"What would you recommend?"

I'm flattered that he'd seek my opinion. Maybe we're getting somewhere. A place where he actually values me as more than just another human being. Is this what a long-awaited friendship feels like? Though, not sure anyone else would consider three weeks very long.

I consider his question for a moment. I'd like to tell him to ditch the chick and make me his one and only, but I'm sure that'd make me crazier than Cassandra. There's no way I'm stooping to her level... at least, not in a way that's public. I prefer to keep that kind of crazy inside the safety of my own skull. So instead, I tilt my head to the side and smile softly.

"I say, let her starve a little longer and see if the beast is released."

I wait for him to find the humor in my dramatic response, but he simply sighs, shaking his head in what appears to be disappointment.

"What?" I question, needing to understand the thoughts swirling inside that vault of a head of his.

"Nothing." He waves me off as he unlocks his door. "Look, I got to go. Check your schedule tonight. I'll see you Tuesday."


He doesn't offer me another glance until he's shut his door and started up the engine. With a quick look my way and an absent-minded lift of his hand, he's backing away from me and turning out of the parking lot.

Liquid Feels - Book 3 - DP Series - CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now