31. His Needs

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I haven't seen Seth since the police raid two weeks ago. He's obviously been dealing with a lot since his mom was arrested and I didn't want to add to his stress. So, Christmas night I'd said goodbye, called my dad and left.

My family ended up celebrating Christmas on New Year. It was quiet and a little depressing. My parents had gone so far as to buy Seth a couple of gifts so that he'd feel included, and those presents sat untouched beneath the tree until I had to return to school.

I'd texted Seth a couple of times just to see how everything was going. He didn't text back until two days ago and it was only to let me know he wouldn't be at school for a few days. It's now the end of the first week of the new semester and he's still gone. I'm finding it difficult to focus on classes when all I want to do is help Seth maneuver through everything that's happening. I have no idea what kind of legal crap he's having to deal with, but I'd still like to offer some kind of support.

Last semester was a piece of cake. I'd only signed up for four classes and they were bunched into just two days a week. This semester is another story. I've got classes every day and they're spaced out just right to ensure I never have any freedom. It's only been a week and I'm already doubtful that I'll survive the rest of the year.

I spend the majority of my free time with Emma, who's still recovering from her incident. She's strong, smiling through her reality, but I know she's a little broken inside. She's been spending her time relearning the violin. It's inspiring, really. I doubt I'd be able to learn an instrument the first time and here she is starting all over again. That's what passion looks like. Passion is fire, searing itself into a person's blood. It's a part of them that can't be ignored.

After much debate, I finally chose a major. I'm not even sure if it's something I'm interested in, but it would get me a decent job after graduation. So, business became my focus. If all fails, maybe I can start my own business with the knowledge I accrue these next few years. But in reality, sometimes I wonder what I'm actually doing here. Do I want this bad enough to throw thousands of dollars at a degree I selected at random from a list?

Rolling up from my supine position on my bed, I tuck my hands under my thighs, legs dangling off my bed, and stare around the room. Emma left an hour ago to spend the weekend with her mom and now it's just me. I have no plans to go home this weekend, unlike the majority of everyone else who lives within driving distance of home. It's quiet and too cold for a walk, so I'm stuck in my room alone. It's a massive bummer because I'm starving for human interaction.


Unfortunately, I don't see Seth until the following weekend, but when we do finally meet up, something is off about him. Granted, he's dealing with a lot right now, but that doesn't explain his lack of communication. For the past few days, I've been texting him and only receiving brief responses. Our last real interaction was Christmas night and in that moment things had gotten a little heated—feelings were discussed, near kisses were shared—and now this. If I'm not mistaken, it's as if he's avoiding me. Maybe that's all Christmas night was to him... a moment.

As Seth and I sit in a corner booth of the small campus coffee shop, I start to wonder if I lack any skill at reading him. Maybe this was all friendship to him all along. Maybe his attraction toward me led him to want to sample something more, and maybe that helped him realize taking things further was not what he was interested in right now. Not with me anyway.

"Okay," I sigh, clamping my hands together and plopping them down on the top of the table. Seth's attention snaps away from the bottom of his coffee cup and lands on me. "What in the world is going on?"

I'm not the most patient person in the world and I despise prolonged confusion. He's here right now, so I'm going to get answers. If he's struggling with his feelings, I want to know. If he's overwhelmed by home life, I want to know. If it's something else, I freakin' want to know.

Liquid Feels - Book 3 - DP Series - CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now