16. Closer

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Seth and I have been acting together now for about five weeks, but in that time we've barely made any progress in the movie. Having to juggle around classes and Seth's work, we only get time to film about once or twice a week. My mind is grateful for how the whole process seems so drawn out, but my heart is ready for a break.

The only scenes we've done so far have been the innocent, romantic bits of the movie. There was even a kiss, but the very moment our lips met, Jamison hollered an obnoxious "cut!". He and Seth both agreed it was unnecessary for the storyline and the kiss was cut from the script. I wasn't disappointed. In fact, I was relieved. I'd never realized how challenging it might be pretending not to feel passion while 'pretending' to feel passion.

The primary reason we ended up trashing the kiss is that this movie isn't a romance; it's a horror. After weeks of flirting, snuggling, and playing the world's best couple, we can finally get down to the heart of the story. Today, Seth will be breaking up with me.

I'm far more excited about it than I should be. I'm a sucker for these kinds of movies—the ex-girlfriend-seeks-revenge kind of movies. We've already done a few of the later scenes, but none of the real fun ones. The last scene we're planning to do is the one where I end Seth's life—it involves masking tape and a Yeti. The level of effort it'd take to kill a person with such common, everyday objects is what makes the sense so brutal. It's gonna be great fun.

I've been instructed to slip on a pair of ripped tights and a suffocating, sleek dress that accentuates all my subtle curves—even the ones I'd prefer no one ever knew about. But there's not much I can do about that. I'm an actress now and I'm in full actress mode. That means sucking it up and doing what I've been requested to do, even if it means revealing those hidden jiggles. I'm supposed to strut into Seth's house with a flirty smile and a seductive glow—whatever that means. I'm not entirely sure how I'm supposed to 'glow', but it's what I was told to aim for.

So, here I am, waiting for the three, two, one, action! The lights are set up to add a warmth to the scene and my make-up is applied to remove signs of exhaustion. In all honesty, the makeup makes me look like I'm fifteen, and I'm not sure I approve, but there's not much I can do right now; they're literally counting down the seconds.

"Five, four, three..." the co-director says, and then silently mouthes 'two, one,' before the scene begins.

I saunter through the front entrance of Seth's home, and dramatically swing the door shut with flowery movements. I'm trying to convey to the audience that I'm overly excited about my arrival. I'm the definition of a girly girl and I'm doing my best at playing a character that's my complete opposite. Truth is, I'm not even sure if I know how to apply nail polish, but that's beside the point.

"Hey, babe," I holler, craning my neck to peer up the staircase. The camera follows my movements with ease.

Footsteps can be heard overhead and a smile falls across my lips in eager anticipation for my true love to jog down the steps. It doesn't take long for him to appear at the top, but something is missing...

His smile.

I try to convey the look of anxiousness as my eyes drink in his expression. Seth is supposed to be playing a character that's one of those people who never appears unhappy. Actually, he's meant to be that character that most people can't stand for longer than a couple of hours because of all their obnoxious positivity. But, in this scene, he's come to the conclusion that he's not happy in his relationship and he wants out.

"Hey," he says, all sparkle devoid from the one word. He sounds exhausted just with the idea of having to break up with me.

It makes sense why he wants to act. He's brilliant at it. He's never over the top. In fact, his emotions are so subtle that they're nearly invisible. He somehow conveys an emotion that doesn't need to be seen. The entire audience has caught onto his lack of enthusiasm. Everyone except for his bimbo of a girlfriend.

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