Chapter 1

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The air was warm and damp. I was walking down the dark streets of Womelsdorf, just clearing my head. My girlfriend Molly and I had gotten into yet again another argument. Her angered voice rang loud in my head as I walked, like it did every other night. I wished that there could be at least one day where we didn't fight. But no matter how much we did, I still loved her. I believed that we were made for each other, and things just weren't perfect yet. I thought that one day the on-and-off relationship we had would get better, and we wouldn't argue and separate. But I realize now that that was a dumb thought.
That summer, we were back together after what had felt like years. 'This time,' I thought. 'This time it's really gonna work.' It was a hot summer that year. I had promised her that I would finally teach her how to swim. We went to the public pool later that day, and got into a slight argument.
"Lucas, I don't want to learn anymore." Molly stared at me. "It's dumb and boring."
"Molly, come on. You gotta learn someday, and you're the one who said you wanted to." I stared back at her, her hazel eyes were slightly distracting. She then jumped out of the pool, and went to our towels. I sighed, and followed her lead. I knew that if I didn't go home with her, we would argue again and worse. We then started walking home, as the sky began to get dark and the air cooled a bit.
Once we got home, we got changed and laid on the couch together. She then put on a movie for us to watch. We had to choose something that wasn't too gory or pg-13, since her little brother was there with us. I liked the guy, but man, was he a tattle tail. You make him upset, and next thing you know Mrs. Jones is yelling at you to change things so he likes them. It sucked, but I got used to it after a while. We cuddled there, and both ended up falling asleep during the movie.
The next morning, We met our friend Stacy in the park. We walked around town for a bit, like usual. We went to all of our normal hangout spots, did some things we wanted to do. At around 3:15 p.m., we went back to Stacy's house. She unlocked the door, and we went to her room to listen to music and chat about meaningless things. We had to stay a bit quiet, since her father didn't allow anyone in the house, and didn't know we were there. We stayed there until about 6:00 p.m., when we heard her father pull up out front. She quickly helped us sneak out through the back, and we ran back to my house. My mother and stepfather were out, so I reached to my pocket for my key. My pocket was empty. I looked at Molly, who checked her pockets as well, since she was the last one to have them anyway. nothing.
"Lucas, you forgot your keys!?" she snapped.
"Correction, you forgot my keys." I stated.
"How are we supposed to get in now?" her tone became softer. "We can't go back there for them."
"Help me up, I'll go through the window and unlock the door." I began to walk out.
She helped me into the window and I unlocked the door, letting her in. We called Stacy as soon as we both got in.
"He found the keys," she said. "But you won't be using them again. He bent your house key, and threw it in the garbage. I'm sorry Lucas."
She then hung up. It was fine though, I still had my spare. After 3 hours, Molly still seemed nervous about the situation. I decided that we should go on a walk to the park and pick some flowers from the tree, so we could make tea and calm down. We went and picked the flowers from the trees, being quiet since the park technically closes after dark. I looked at the basket, it was only half way full.
"We don't have enough." I looked at molly, as she returned my stare.
"Stacy has some of these trees around her house. We can go there and take some flowers." She reminded me.
I nodded, and we headed to Stacy's. We took the flowers we needed, and headed home. I poured some water into the pot, then dumped the flowers in and put it to a boil. We sat at the kitchen table, and played card games until the tea was done. After it had finished brewing, I drained it, making sure that none of the flower pieces got in. I poured it into two glasses, and added sugar to sweeten it. It was too bitter without sugar. We then took it into the living room. We then got out the sofa bed, and got sheets, blankets, and pillows. We made the bed nice and comfortable, before sitting down on it and drinking our tea. after the movie, I took out the dishes, and put on another movie. We laid down together, and I placed my arm around her gently. We talked and watched the movie for a bit, both of us growing tired. I turned on the air conditioner, and laid back down with her, finding her asleep. I turned away from her, and went on my phone for a bit. My mother and step father got home about an hour later. My step father wasn't too happy that we decided to stay on the sofa bed for the night, but I didn't care. It got way too hot in my room in the summer, and we weren't gonna sleep back there in that heat. They went back to their bedroom, and I laid back down with molly. I looked at her, she seemed to be sleeping peacefully. I then went to bed beside her.

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