Chapter 6(Preview?)

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Your POV-

I woke up due to the pain in my head. I looked around and noticed I was in the ground by a huge tower, 'IM ALIVE... I'm... alive. Oh I'm in a crater, WAIT... HOW DID I NOT DIE?!?' I thought looking around. I finally got up after 5 minutes. I then walked up to the tower door and I opened. "Number 406 first to pass, time is 45 minuets," the intercom said. I the walked in and the door behind me closed, 'Guess I have to stay here for a while, we'll until Hisoka comes,' I thought while sitting own


An hour has passed since I've woken up and Hisoka should be here soon. 'Oh Hisoka, he is so fucking hot, like I will let you step on me any day. I would also let him spit on me, cut me, or anything he wanted... NO STOP HE IS... just so hot... NO he is a murderer and stuff like that. He will kill Shalnark, how dare he kill your person killer nerd,' I though to myself, what I didn't know was all the movements I made and a certain male that had walked in.

When I finally got out of my thoughts I saw Hisoka right in front of me. "Oh my sweet doll what were you thinking about to make all those gestures," he asked. I flinched a little since he surprised me, but then looked down and blushed. I saw out of the corner of my eye he had a smirk. He then sat down next to me and put his arm around me shoulder.

'OH MY GOD, HE IS SO FUCKING HOT. LIKE MY MAN WHY DO YOU LOOK SO GOOD?! All he has to  do is touch me and I'll go crazy... but he is also a
Psycho so I'll have to be a little careful,' I thought while he pulled me closer into his chest. When he did that my face erupted into a dark shade of red.

"Oh Doll you looked red, do you have a fever... or is it something else," he said with a sly smirk, "you should rest either way, don't want you to explode with what your feeling". I looked up to him and then moved myself closer, if that was even possible, and made myself comfortable. I closed my eyes and when I did I could hear his heart beat and that made me at ease. I then felt myself get more tired and then feel asleep.


When I had woken up I felt two pair of arms around me. I also heard two hear beats. I guess it was Illumi with how I felt some pins when I moved a little. I moved myself to sit up, it was a little hard since they didn't want me to get up, but I got up and looked at the two of them. They looked at me and then each other, I felt the tension when they looked at each other. I shook my head a little and moved both of their heads to the side of mine. I heard Illumi say "You are mine, don't leave with the clown," but I also heard Hisoka say "Stay with me my doll, you can have whatever you want". I closed my eyes and shook my head after I moved them away from me.

'I can't choose between them, but I also have other people I like. They are similar, but so different at the same time. WHY CAN'T I HAVE ALL OF THEM... wait... why can't I have all of them? It's a harem! YES FINALLY A HAREM OF MEN FOR ME!' I thought while have my eyes closed.


It has almost be 72 hours and I have been messing with a lot of people by using mind whisperer. It is so funny watching them jump and look around. I tried it on Hisoka but he looked down at me and smiled. When he did that I puffed out my cheeks and looked away.

I finally heard a door and saw Gon, Killua, and Kurapika come out of it. A couple seconds later Leorio and Tonpa came out. Killua looked around and saw me with Hisoka and Gittarackur. He glared at them, but I just shook my head and started to get up. They two psychos pulled me back down like it was nothing. I sighed and whispered "let me go or else I won't find you guys during the next exam. And you won't get any cuddle from me,"

They looked at each other before they let me go. I jumped up and ran towards the group of four. I tackled Killua and Gon into a hug since I missed them. I gave a side hug to Leorio and Kurapika, because I love them too.

I hear the examiner say something, I wasn't paying attention. Gon started to pull me by my hand to the door that leads outside of the tower. I had hissed since it was bright outside. Killua looked at me and had a huge grin on his face. "Looks like someone can't handle the sun," he said with a mischievous grin.

I looked at him and pushed his head back. He fell backwards onto Leorio and crashed onto the ground. "Wow can't even stand straight," I had laughed out.


(Lippo says something and other stuff happens. Rewatch to find out exact words. Then go onto boat, sit with the group. Ignore the phycos. Teleport at night to sleep in a hotel [we have nen duh doy] physics find you and stuff. Blimp time thing and questions. Final ya fight Simone [other fanfics to help?] ya win, but do you follow Killua or stay. Illumi kidnaps you? Hisoka kid naps you? You save Killua with group? You talk with Zoldyck family about Killua since you went with him? Figure out more scenarios, and/or different writing style)


Hey... uhh sorry? I haven't been on this account in a while and I got busy with school? work? an excuse. I don't know, but I'm extremely sorry this is where I left off and I don't know how to finish it. I had some ideas and I wrote most of this when I was like 12 so I didn't think that it would actually get view? or something. If you want I can try to finish it, but I still haven't finished the anime, I have seem most of it. If I do finish it I might change my writing style or something. Yea so uhh bye maybe? Still extremely sorry

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2022 ⏰

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