Exploring New York City

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~Your Pov~


"For the hundredth time y/n! No! It's too dangerous for you to explore the city by yourself!" Tony's voice echoes throughout the compound causing a few stares in our direction. 

"It's just for one day! I never got to explore new york city that much!" Arguing back at Tony who crossed his arms.

"How can I be sure you're not in danger! You'll never know maybe a random guy in a middle of a gun shooting decides to kidnap you for fun!" Rolling my eyes at Tony's absurd imagination. 

"You'll know I'm safe by putting a tracking device on me or even have happy or clint follow me around new york city in secrecy," I pointed out as Tony stood quiet for a moment putting his hand on his mouth.

 "That does seem like a good ide-it doesn't matter! The final answer is no!" He storms out of the living room as I sit down on the sofa crossing my arms.

"You know you could always sneak out of the compound," Clint said while flipping a page of his book. "Don't even think about it!" Tony faintly yelled as I lean on the sofa. "There's always a way out,"

Sam sat down across from me with a book in his hand. "If tony asks where I am?" I curiously asked the two men. "You're with Nat ranting about how much you hate tony," They answered in unison as I happily got up from the sofa.

"I owe you too!"

Ran into my room locking the door behind me. I walk into my closet to grab a pair of black ripped jeans, a dark red t-shirt, a black leather jacket, and black heel boots. 

Noticing a small gun on the bed. Might as well take it with me. placing the gun in the back pocket before walking up to the hidden camera in my room waving my glowing f/c hand to erase the recent footage.

Placed my wallet in my front pocket to snap my fingers to find myself in front of time square. Tony never said I could escape by using magic. Happily smiling as I walk down the street of time square to see people dressed up like Tony, Thor, Steve, and Clint in their battle uniforms.

But a large, bearded man wearing a red short wing and a tight black suit. Oh my god! He's dressed up like Nat! I quickly put my hand over my mouth stopping myself from laughing before pulling out my phone to take a quick photo of the group of people sending the photo to everyone on the team except Tony.

Looking around my surroundings noticing a stand selling new york tourist pamphlets. I grab a random one before paying the seller.

I wonder how they will react?

~Sam's Pov~

I felt my phone vibrate in the back pocket as I pulled it out to find a text by Y/n. Opening the message to see a photo of random people dressed up like Tony, Thor, Steve, and Clint in battle uniforms but Walmart version of them.

Swapping right to see a photo of a large, bearded man wearing a red short wing and a tight black suit.

OH MY GOD! Kept my laughter inside of me as my eyes went up to Clint who was still reading his book. "Hey, you might want to check your phone," Clint slowly raised his head up from his book.


"Trust me, man. It will be worth your wild," Clint pulls out his phone as I patiently waited for his reaction to the photo. "Oh, they did her dirty!" He began to laugh at the photo.


Clint and I looked at each other as footsteps approached the living room. "I CAN'T BELIEVE THEY HAD A MAN DRESSED AS ME!" Nat exclaimed at us showing the photo y/n just sent. "At least you got someone to dress up as you. I haven't seen anybody dress up as falcon," I commented as Nat was too focused on the photo.

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