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Y/N went back to her and Jinx's hideout, Jinx was gathering a bunch of bombs, and artsy things

the things she gathers when shit's about to go down

"Jinx?" Y/N asked

"I'm going to show him wrong, we'll steal one of those magic rock thingies, are you in? I'm going either way"

"show who?" asked Y/N

"Silco, remember what he said? I'm gonna— we're gonna show them. you and me, what'd you say?"

"are you kidding me? of course I'm in, what kind of question is that?" Y/N chuckled

"then let's go" said Jinx with a mischievous smile


As soon as Jinx and Y/N got to Piltover, they located a group of enforcers smoking and chilling, they planned to set up the fire where the enforcers would see it, and leave the building where the magic rock is un-protected

Jinx set up her monkey bombs and Y/N the traps, then, Jinx lit the building up, soon enough the enforcer that was with the Jayce yelled; "fire!"

Jinx and Y/N cautiosly went up the building, Jinx hung around a bit to see their work from the stairs, the stairs led to a door which was the entrance of the building, Y/N stood with Jinx for a bit before pulling her into the building

then, they went inside the building, they inspected every room for a blue-ish glow

"Y/N, there" Jinx whispered as she pointed to the lab from where the glow came from

"let's go" Y/N said

then, they opened the door fast, pointing their handguns in case anyone was inside

luckily, there was no one there, apparently there was some kind of assembly? Jinx and Y/N got lucky, again

"I'll make people know we where here, you take the notes on how to use the rock and the rock" Jinx instructed as she got out her markers

"you don't have to tell me twice" Y/N said, not in an angry tone, but in an I'm-your-accomplice-and-I-like-doing-illegal-shit-with-you tone

they shared a smile, and they got to work

Y/N scanned quickly through all the books Jayce and Viktor had written, she quickly recognized her brother's handwriting from when he would write fantastic stories

Y/N didn't let that go through her, she took the rock and the sketchesbooks, and the pages filled with notes that seemed useful. Just when she was done, Jinx finished up

and then they went back to the undercity, back to Zaun, back to their hideout, and back to where they belonged, where they gained the respect and fear of the people of the undercity


Jinx was listening to 'Get Jinxed', ironic, right?

Jinx was working on the stone, Y/N was getting ready to head out and meet Sevika, she could use some mother-daughter bonding time, especially after finding out her brother is alive

"Bye Jinx! I'm out to see Sevika!"

Jinx didn't respond, Y/N decided to write her a note, that way Jinx wouldn't panic when she saw that Y/N left


"Hey Sevika" Y/N walked into the flat

"hey kiddo, what'd you do today?" Sevika asked, she was re-heating some fish from The Last Drop

"you won't believe this" Y/N let herself fall on the individual sofa

"what?" asked Sevika with a bowl of warm food, she sat on the chair

"I went to piltover, right? and—"

"kiddo, I told you not to go to the topside. Remember what enforcers will do when they see you, a girl from the undercity."

"I know" Y/N groaned

"continue" Sevika allowed

"So I was bored, just wanted to see what these guys where on about. And I saw this man of progress? It's called a Jayce, and you won't believe who I bumped into"

"who?" that 'who?' was muffled with fish since Sevika was basically swallowing the whole lot of it

"Viktor" said Y/N with a light chuckle

"Viktor as in Viktor? as in your brother Viktor?"

"yep, and he touched my hand, so I know he's real. He's alive Sevika" Y/N said

Sevika swallowed a whole bunch of fish and put the now empty bowl aside

"Y/N, you're not kidding me right?" Sevika asked with a light chuckle

"why would I? it's not funny, it's my brother"

"I don't know, does Jinx know? does Silco know?" asked Sevika

"Jinx? yes, Silco? not in a long shot"

"what's even Jinx on at the moment? what are you planning to do with your brother?"

"Jinx's working on some mechanic thing, and I don't know what I'll do about Viktor yet, did you know that he makes the magic things the rich people make in Piltover?"

Sevika manspread before speaking up "I did not in fact know that, what if he has a weapon, huh? what if he tries to hurt you? I'm telling you, kiddo. those things— they're fucking dangerous"

"I know, I know" Y/N said with a heavy sigh

"actually? I think you don't know, these magic things? — Sevika stood up, revealing her mechanical arm — they took out my arm"

after a brief silence, Sevika sat down, she let another brief silence go through

"Jinx took out my arm, in that explosion she caused.— Sevika rubbed her temple with her human hand — that's why we don't get along, to say the least"

"I— I didn't know, Jinx she— she never told me that—"

"It's okay, kiddo, I know. Just— be careful"

"I will, Sevika" Y/N said reassuringly

"well, now that that's over with, what if we go to the last drop, hang around, and maybe hit people in the face?" Sevika suggested as she stood up — again — she extended her human arm to help Y/N up off the individual sofa

"delightful" said Y/N as she took the helping hand to help herself up

now they where walking out the door and heading to The Last Drop, Y/N was happy

1009 words

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