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Jinx and Y/N where cuddled up

Y/N sat up, rubbed her eyes. She then covered herself with one of the two blankets

Y/N's head was throbing, she looked around for her pants and found some aspirin on her pocket

she grabbed two aspirins and swallowed them without any water, she was used to this

Y/N was also used to the hang-overs, since both Sevika and Y/N enjoyed getting drunk off their asses together

Y/N picked up her clothes and got dressed

she wrote a note to Jinx to let her know what she was doing, it read:

hey jinx! im out to get breakfast to the last drop, ill bring u ur favorite.

i left some aspirin for u on ur desk, since u wanted to know what getting drunk was like, the hang over is a part of it.

- Y/N

Y/N set the letter near Jinx, before stepping out of their hideout, she grabbed two of her remaining aspirins and left them on the desk

then, she went to get Jinx and herself breakfast


once Y/N arrived, she tip-toed towards the couch where Jinx was supposed to be sleeping

instead, there was sitting Silco

"S-Silco? what are you doing here?" Y/N stammered

"come here, Y/N" Silco patted a spot next to him in the couch

Y/N sat besides him

"I know we're not very... close per say... you're closer with Sevika in those terms" Silco started

"okay..." Y/N started

"but do you want to know something I've noticed that Sevika hasn't?" Silco askes, while wrapping an arm on her shoulders

"what?" Y/N asked with anticipation

"how close you and Jinx have gotten... and that didn't seem possible... so I'm starting to wonder if that's on a romantic matter..." Silco didn't sound mad or something of the sort, he sounded like he genuinely wanted to know more about Y/N and Jinx

"where's Jinx?" Y/N asked looking around

"her and I had a little... chat" Silco gestured to his face which was pierced, it wasn't in an oh-em-gee-you-got-a-piercing-you're-so-quirky way, Silco was hurt

"she did that?" Y/N asked

"yeah, she was mad because I told her all her life that Vi was dead, when that was what I've been told" Silco sighed

"oh! since we're at the topic of not-so-dead-siblings, why did you tell me that Viktor was dead? he's very much alive" Y/N stood up

"what?" Silco was mad, not at Y/N, but at the fact that Viktor was alive

"oh and you wanna know what he told me? he told me that because of you he killed our parents, what a fun fact" Y/N chuckled

"Y/N, I didn't know that he was your brother! I—"

"yeah but you've know for quite the while now, haven't you?" Y/N was fuming red

"I'm sorry, Y/N. I thought— it doesn't matters, what matters is this — Silco stood up — that as well for Jinx, I need you, Y/N" Silco said with worried eyes

Y/N went in to hug Silco tightly

"it just hurts that you've known all this time and didn't think to tell me" now Y/N was sobbing

Silco carresed the back of Y/N's head

"I did think to tell you, Y/N. I was just scared that you'd leave" Silco said

Y/N didn't reply, instead she just sobbed

after a few minutes, they bithe let go of the hug, and sat down

"so... what about that question I asked you?" Silco really wanted to know about Y/N's love life

"well... if you have to know... yes, me and Jinx are together" Y/N said with a side grin

"ah, young love. Enjoy it" Silco replied

Y/N hugged Silco

"I am" Y/N said into the hug

"now, go spend some time with Sevika, she misses you, I'll tell Jinx where you're at if she comes looking for you"

"okay" Y/N got up

"see you" Y/N said at the door of their hideout

"see you" Silco waved


Y/N went to Sevika's flat, she was there having a drink

"hi Sevika!" Y/N greeted as she let herself fall on Sevika's bed

"hey kiddo, want one?" asked Sevika offering Y/N a beer

"hell yeah" Y/N got up to get her bear

Sevika's eyes went wide

"what's that?" Sevika got up

shit, did she see Y/N's hickeys?

"what's what?" Y/N chuckled as she covered her neck

"Y/N, you know damn well what I'm talking about, take your hand off of your neck" Sevika demanded

Y/N did so reluctantly

"are those hickeys?" Sevika asked, Y/N had her eyes closed

Y/N opened her eyes slowly

"what if the answer was... yes ...?" Y/N replied

"who the fuck gave you hickeys?!" Sevika asked

"please don't get mad..." Y/N started

"was it...?" Sevika's eyes went wide with worry

"who are you thinking of?" Y/N asked

"you know damn well who I'm thinking of"

"if it's Jinx then... yeah... it's exactly who I'm thinking of" Y/N said with worry

"Jinx?!" Sevika yelled

"yeah" Y/N said slowly

"Jinx?!" Sevika reapeted

"yeah, mom. Jinx" Y/N sat down

"are ya'll something?" Sevika asked as she sat down

"yeah" Y/N replied honestly

"since when?" Sevika asked, she wasn't mad anymore

"a couple days now" Y/N replied as she grabbed her beer

"and you're just telling me?" Sevika took a sip out of her beer

"okay, in my defense, ya'll are mortal enemies. If I where to not exist, ya'll would kill each other. I'm a peace maker" Y/N shrugged before taking a sip of her beer

"oh don't say that, you exist and well... yeah maybe. but the point is! that you exist" Sevika smiled

"wow... I definitely thought you would be madder at me for having sex, what a relief" Y/N sighed

"you had sex?!"

"well yeah, duh" Y/N pointed to her neck

"attagirl, was it good?"

"ten outta ten, Sevika" Y/N said with a sigh

Sevika laughed

1042 words

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