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After Sevika was well and about, Y/N took her first aid kit back to it's place, she saw that Chuck was covered in pink glitter

Y/N giggled "Well well well, looks to me like someone had a taste of the pink glitter-y rainbow"

Y/N sat down, Chuck poured her a drink

"Jinx pulled a prank on me" Chuck said under his breath

"I bet so Chuck" Y/N started drinking loudly her drink

"It's Thieram" he murmured

"oh I'm sure it is" Y/N said sarcastically and rolled her eyes

Y/N took the drink

"you need to pay" said Chuck

"I don't need to pay, Chuck" replied Y/N in a passive aggressive tone

"please?" Chuck said non-sarcastically

"fine — Y/N groaned — put it on Sevika's tab" Y/N got up and grabbed her drink

"thanks" Chuck yelled as Y/N went up the stairs

Y/N decided to go to Silco's office to let him know that Sevika was alright, and to ask whatever happened and why he looked so shocked.

when Y/N opened the door, she saw Sevika tied to a chair, and Jinx threatening her

"Jinx! let Sevika go!"

"Don't worry Y/N, and no need Jinx, it's your sister"

Jinx's sister?

"what?" Y/N asked

"she's back. She's looking for you" Sevika ignored Y/N

"It's not what you think" she continued

"she's with some girl enforcer, guess she replaced you" said Sevika with a smug smile

"You're lying!" yelled Jinx

Y/N carefully aproached Jinx, so not to startle her

"why bother?"

both girls where completely ignoring Y/N, so Y/N decided to simply sit on a nearby chair

"Her back in town, it's only a matter of time before you implode"

Y/N couldn't believe this side of Sevika, she knew that Jinx and her didn't get along, but she simply couldn't believe that her— well, her mother could be so... mean

"and Silco finally get's the message"

Y/N was simply amazed at Sevika's words

"that you're as good for our cause as you where for your family"

Sevika crossed a line

Jinx was inches away from Sevika, so Sevika said to Jinx's ear "Jinx."

"Jinx?" asked Y/N as she tried placing a hand on Jinx's back, to try and bring her some comfort after Sevika's awful words

Jinx began to tear up, then she sneezed loudly and pushed the chair Sevika was tied to away with her feet, Jinx sneezed on Sevika's face

Y/N couldn't help but to let a small snicker through

Jinx chuckled at Y/N's reaction while making eye-contact with her

It was an accident [jinx x reader]Where stories live. Discover now