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I remember the first time I met Andy Biersack. It was back in 2009, before his band Black Veil Brides released their first studio album, and his band was the opening act for my dad's band, Nine Inch Nails. We bumped into each other, exchanged contact information, and went our separate ways. After that day, it was nearly two years before I gave the tall, skinny guy another thought.

I was going to listen to "Fallen Angel" by Three Days Grace, until I noticed that there was a music video for a recently released song called "Fallen Angels" by Black Veil Brides. I clicked on the latter video, and I was impressed by how much Andy had matured since the day that I bumped into him. I also felt a sort of tugging on my heartstrings, which I remembered feeling when I bumped into him two years previous. I was going out with a guy who was in a post-hardcore band called Get Scared at the time, and we really cared about each other. His name was Nicholas Matthews, and we'd become best friends before he asked me out on a date out of nowhere. He mentioned on occasion that I seemed like I was deep in thought or daydreaming, and I would just shrug in reply. It wasn't until I saw the video for "Fallen Angels" that I realized that I had been thinking about Andy Biersack off and on since we met. I just assumed it was Nick that I was thinking about, since he bore a striking resemblance to Andy. I decided to get out my phone and try calling Andy, which was when I saw the text from Nick saying that he wanted to go back to being just best friends instead of boyfriend and girlfriend. Surprisingly, I wasn't very upset about it, and I texted him to say that the feeling was mutual before I tried calling Andy.

"Hello?" A slightly rough sounding voice answered. "Hi, my name's Rayvyn Rose Reznor, and I'm looking for Andy Biersack," I said politely. "Speaking," he replied, and my breath caught in my throat. "Hey Andy. I just happened to be thinking about you and decided that I'd call you. I really liked the video for "Fallen Angels", I can tell you guys worked really hard on it," I said. "Thanks. The band is actually gonna be in Malibu in a few days. Maybe we could get something to eat and catch up?" He asked. "Sure. I'd like that a lot," I said. "Alright, I'll see you then. Oh, and I'll get you a VIP ticket to the concert, too," he said, and I was taken by surprise. "You don't have to do that, Andy," I said. "I know. I want to do it. So, I'll see you in a few days," he said. "Yeah, see you in a few days," I said, and we hung up.

A few days later, my dad told me that there was someone at the door looking for me. I went downstairs wearing a strapless knee-length black dress and found my dad and Andy waiting for me, the latter wearing a suit that looked brand-new. "Hello, Miss Reznor," Andy said, smiling slightly. "Hello, Mr. Biersack," I replied, smiling back at him. "Well, you two have fun," Dad said, and Andy and I left. I was rather surprised to find that Andy's car was a 1998 Cadillac El Dorado, and it didn't look to be in the best shape. "I know, I know. It's a crappy car, but I've had it since I got my driver's license," he said. "I wasn't going to say anything," I said, getting into the passenger seat. He took me to one of the fanciest restaurants in town, something I wasn't expecting. "This place is almost impossible to get reservations for," I said, recalling what some friends had told me in the past. "Not if you're famous, it isn't," he said with a smirk, getting out and running over to my side of the car and opening the door for me. "You're such a gentleman, Andy," I said, giggling behind my hand. He took my hand and led me inside, where I found it much fancier than I was expecting. "Table for Biersack," he told the hostess, who showed us to a table and gave us two menus. "So, you've become pretty famous since we first met," I said, unsure what else to say to start the conversation.

"Yeah. I've also matured a bit since we met," he replied. "So have I," I said. "You haven't grown out of the whole goth thing, though," he commented. "Yeah. It's just who I am. A lot of people don't like being around me because of it, though," I said kind of shyly. "You've also grown more beautiful than you were when we met," he said, causing me to blush. "You're cute when you blush," he said, which made me blush a deeper shade of pink. "Oh Andy, you're much too kind," I said. "Nah, I'm just the right amount of kind," he said, flashing me a dazzling smile. "Either way, I like it," I said, pulling my copy of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix out of my purse, since I had decided what I wanted to order. "You like Harry Potter?" Andy asked me. "Yeah. Do you?" I asked. "Yeah. I'm not like those fans who are so obsessed with the series that they actually want to put themselves in the story though," he said. "Oh, those kinds of fans are the worst!" I replied quietly, so that I didn't offend anyone, just in case. "I know, right? I like reading the fictional books. I don't need to put myself into the story," Andy said, then switched to a goofy British accent, "'What if I went to Hogwarts? What would I do there?'" I burst out laughing at that, and he returned to his normal voice before he continued. "I don't give a shit. The people that go to Hogwarts in the fictional tale go there," he said. "You are so weird!" I said, still laughing.

"I actually said that recently in an interview. I also said in the interview that I tried to fly recently, but it didn't go well," he said. "What happened?" I asked. "Well, I climbed this marble statue near the stage during a concert, and I was about thirty feet in the air. I then thought that it would be a good idea to jump off the statue and back onto the stage, but I missed it by a few feet, and I wound up breaking my ribs," he said. "That's terrible! How are you doing now?" I asked him with concern in my voice. "I get sore from time to time, but it's not that bad anymore. I remember when I went to the hospital for it. One of the doctors asked me what happened, so I just casually told him that I jumped from thirty feet up. The guy said, "You mean you fell thirty feet." I was like, "No, I jumped from thirty feet,"" he replied, and I broke into a fresh fit of laughter.

Later that day, I was in the front row, waiting for the Black Veil Brides concert to start. Everyone in the band was onstage except Andy, and I could practically feel the tension of the crowd. I spent some time talking to some other girls in the front row who looked like they were around my age, who introduced themselves as Juliet Simms and Lexus Amanda, the latter of whom mentioned that she had come to the concert with her girlfriend Samie Jayden. Not long after that, Andy came out on stage to begin the concert.

A few songs before the last song of the night, Andy asked me to join him onstage for the next song, "Rebel Love Song." I hurried up onstage so I wouldn't delay the show or something, and he asked me quietly if I was familiar with the song lyrics. I nodded, as I had been listening to the band's latest album, Set The World On Fire, ever since I got off the phone with him a few days prior. We had a great time singing the song together, and it almost seemed like we were singing to each other, as if there was no audience. He kept making eye contact with me while we were singing, which I took in stride.

After the concert, I went backstage to meet the rest of the band members, and I reunited with Juliet and Lexus, who introduced me to her girlfriend Samie. When the four of us got backstage, we found the band laughing about something, but they stopped pretty soon after we arrived. Andy introduced himself to my new friends, then he introduced us to the rest of the band. Even though he was the youngest member, Andy was also the tallest. Jinxx, one of the band's guitarists, was the oldest member of the band, and he was the one who had introduced the band to their other guitarist, Jake Pitts. Bassist Ashley Purdy was relatively new to the band, as was drummer Christian "CC" Coma. Jinxx told me about a concert where Andy, who apparently used to fake punch himself in the head with his microphone, went to do that and accidentally hit his own temple, knocking himself out for the first part of the first song. "Luckily, I think that he's learned his lesson about doing that. He hasn't done his little microphone stunt since," Jinxx said.

"Hey Jinxx?" Andy called over to him. "Yeah dude?" Jinxx replied. "Would you be so kind as to knock it off?" Andy asked, which made me start laughing. "Those two act like brothers a lot," Jake said of Andy and Jinxx, who were now playfully wrestling with each other. "I can see that," I said with a giggle. "You know, Andy talks about you a lot," CC said. "Really?" I asked him. "Yeah. I talked to the band's old drummer, Sandra Alvarenga, and she said that almost all he'd talk about when the band was just hanging out was you," he said. "Well, that's pretty cool. He's really sweet," I said. "Not all the time he isn't. If a crowd doesn't like us, which is most crowds we play for, he'll get pissed and start yelling and cursing at them," CC replied, adding that Andy was also drunk a lot. "But he's only 20 years old! He's not old enough to drink!" I said. "And when has that ever stopped a rock star?" Jake asked. "Good point," I said. "Yeah. You really wouldn't like him when he's drunk. That's all I'm going to say about it," Ashley said, coming over to me. "Well... listen, can I tell you guys something?" I asked, and they nodded. "But you can't tell Andy about it, okay?" I asked. "Okay," CC said. "I think I'm in love with Andy," I said, and the guys smiled and promised they wouldn't tell Andy. "Tell me what?" Andy asked, coming up behind them. "Nothing. Top secret, hush-hush, that sort of thing," Ashley said, making me snort with laughter. "I was actually going to talk to Rayvyn anyway," Andy said, and Jake, Ashley, and CC went over to Jinxx. "So, what's up Andy?" I asked. "I was just wondering if you wanted to join us for the rest of the tour," he said. "I've gotta check to see if my dad's okay with it first, but I'll let you know," I said. "That makes sense. Just make sure you get back to me in the next few days, because we're headed to New Jersey in a few days to continue our tour," he said, and I promised him that I would get back to him in the next day or two. With that, I went home to talk to my dad about going with Andy on tour.


New story for you to enjoy. Until next time!

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