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I got home and found Dad relaxing on the couch, and I walked over to him. "Hey sweetheart. How was your day?" He asked. "It couldn't have been better! I do have something to ask you, though," I said. "Okay, go ahead," he said. "Well, Andy asked me to join him for the rest of their tour, and I said I had to talk to you about it first," I said. "Sure, I don't mind. Just make sure you stay safe, okay?" He asked. "Don't worry, Dad. I'll be fine," I said. "That sentence -" he began. "- has more than one meaning. I know, you said that every time I went on a date with Nick," I said. "Did I? I don't remember," he said rather unconvincingly. "Do you mind if I go tell Andy that I can go with him and the guys?" I asked. "I don't mind. I'll see you when you get back from the tour," Dad said, and I grabbed my purse, car keys, and a jacket, just in case. I opened the door and was immediately blinded by the headlights of a car. Once my eyes had adjusted to the sudden light, I discovered that the headlights belonged to an all-too-familiar 1998 Cadillac El Dorado. I hung my keys back on the nail where I usually put them, then jumped into the Cadillac. "Andy, what are you doing here?" I asked him as I put on my seat belt. "Well, I figured you'd want a ride to the tour bus so you wouldn't have to leave that nice car of yours sitting in some random parking lot," he said with a smile. "And what if my dad had said that I couldn't go with you guys?" I asked. "Would it have really mattered all that much?" He asked in response. "Not really, no," I said, then broke into a giggling fit. "You have a cute giggle," he said, and I blushed. "Can I ask you something?" I said. "Um, you just did, but sure," he said. "Why do you keep saying that things I do are cute?" I asked him. He looked at me like he didn't understand the question at first, but then he seemed to figure it out. "I say it because the things you do are cute," he said, making me blush a deeper shade of pink.

I don't know what made me ask him the question. I guess I just sort of blurted it out. "Do you love me?" I asked him out of nowhere, then covered my mouth when I realized what I said. "What are you talking about? I thought that it was pretty clear that I do love you," he said, and I felt like I was going to faint. "You alright? You look like you're gonna faint," he said. "I didn't mean to ask you that question... I don't know what made me do it," I said without looking at him. "Maybe you just wanted confirmation of something that you were expecting, but weren't sure that your expectations would be met," he said, taking my hand in his. "I guess that makes sense," I said. "It seems like you want to tell me something," he said. "I... I do, but I'm really nervous about it," I said. "Hey, no matter what it is, I'll still be friends with you. I understand if you're not ready to, though," he said with a kind smile. "No. I'm just gonna be a worried mess until I tell you," I said. "Don't force yourself to tell me if you're not ready to," he said. "Andy, hush. I'm thinking," I said, closing my eyes. I heard him mumble an apology, so I gave him a quick thumbs up to let him know that it was okay. When I opened my eyes, I wasn't in Andy's car anymore.

"Hello?" I asked, not really expecting a response. "Rayvyn?" I heard Jinxx ask from somewhere nearby. I looked over to find him looking at me wearily. "Sorry if I woke you," I said softly. "Ah, don't worry about it. I needed to get up anyway, since everyone else is up," he said, climbing out of his bed at the same time as me. Much to my surprise, I discovered that I was wearing a comfortable nightgown that I didn't remember having. "Andy put you in that. We found it on the bus once after a night none of us can really remember. We did wash it, though. Anyway, Andy thought you wouldn't want to sleep in your dress. He put that back in your suitcase after he washed it," Jinxx said. I turned to face the door with a glare. I was about to open it, find Andy, and give him a piece of my mind, but Jinxx grabbed my right arm before I could. "Let go of me, Jinxx," I growled. "No. He was just looking out for you. That's all it was. Just calm down, okay?" He asked me. I huffed and rolled my eyes, trying to yank my arm out of his grip, to no avail. "I'm not letting go until you calm down. I don't want you to chew Andy out when he was just trying to help you," he said, and I nodded. After a few minutes, I was able to calm down, so I went to the living area of the tour bus, with Jinxx right behind me.

I found the rest of the band relaxing, watching some random movie on TV. "Look who's finally out of bed!" Andy said loudly. I sat down beside him, while Jinxx sat by Jake. "You know, you had no right to do what you did last night," I said, just loud enough for Andy to be able to hear. "Look, I was just trying to be nice. I figured you probably didn't want to sleep in the same dress that you'd been wearing all day already," he said. "I suppose you're right. Just... Next time, please ask me before you go and put me in a different outfit, okay?" I asked him. "I will, I promise. I'm sorry I upset you," he said. "It's okay, I forgive you," I said, then he took me completely by surprise. "I love you too," he said randomly. "Huh?" I asked him. "Last night, once I had put you in bed, you said that you loved me," he said, and my eyes grew to be as wide as saucers. "I did?" I asked him in shock. "Yes, you did," he said, "Is it true, though? Do you love me?" I couldn't believe that he was actually asking me. "Yes, it's true. I love you," I replied. He grinned at me, and I couldn't help but grin back. I knew, right then and there, that we were meant for each other. I couldn't place why I felt that way, I only knew that I did, and that I never wanted to forget it.

Over the course of the ensuing two weeks, Andy and I went out on dates every day. I'm not even kidding. You'd think that we would've gotten sick of each other, but we couldn't get enough of each other's company. The third week I was on tour with the band, my birthday happened to be coming up, October 5th. I told Andy about it, and he said that he was going to put together something big, since it was my 21st birthday. "You don't have to do something big. Even if it's just you, me, and the guys, It would be fine for me," I said. "It's your 21st birthday, Rayvyn. You deserve something special," Andy said. "I don't want something special. That's what I'm trying to tell you," I said. "How about this: we do something special for you either before or after your birthday, and then we just do a quiet little thing with the guys and your dad on your birthday. That work for you?" He asked. "Yeah. I'm good with that," I said. "Also, I was thinking the other night, and I decided that it was time for me to ask you something," he said, and I took a few steps back. "Andy, we've barely been going out for two weeks. Don't you think it's a little soon?" I asked him, thinking that he was talking about proposing to me. "Wha - That's not what I was gonna ask you at all!" He said. "Sorry. Go on and ask me what you were gonna ask me," I said. "Rayvyn, will you be my girlfriend?" He asked. "Of course I will, Andy," I said, pulling him into a hug.


So, I thought that I would write this story the way that I am because there's a lot more for me to go on for Black Veil Brides and Andy Biersack by starting the story in 2011 instead of 2021 like I did with my other story. That, and I also recently finished reading Andy's book, "They Don't Need to Understand", so I have even more that I can base this story on. For example, the bit in the last chapter about Andy climbing up a marble statue, then jumping and breaking his ribs was something that I learned from the book. Anyway, until next time!

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