Chapter 11

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Giovanni's P.O.V

Man I can't believe we're having twins, I'm not stressing cause I'm happy that I'm having my two kids by the love of my life. We were on our way to her apartment, I really think she should move in with me before our babies come I don't want my kids going back and fourth between two houses.

Giovanni- Baby you hungry?

Faith-No baby I'm fine

Giovanni- Ok

I pulled up at her apartment building we got out and went up to her apartment. Once we got in I went and sat on the couch.

Giovanni- Bae I wanna talk to you about something

Faith- What's up baby?

Giovanni- Do you still wanna marry me?

Faith- Of course bae why would I change my mind

Giovanni- Ok well I think you should move in with me , I mean we basically stayed together before all that shit happen, I just want you to be safe I would never forgive myself if something happens to you

Faith- I know baby but I would love to I was waiting for you to ask me it took you long enough

Giovanni- Well shit come on let's go get you packed

It's really nothing I can ask for I have everything I want . We started packing her things once we were done loading my car with her things she drove her car and I followed her to my house.

*Later that night *

Me and faith were laid in the bed watching reruns of Martin while I rubbed her stomach.

Faith- Bae you know what I wanna do

Giovanni- what's that sweetie

Faith- Lets throw a baby sex party

Giovanni-Faith what the fuck you talking about I'm not exposing my kids to that shit

Faith- Nooo babe you know a party where everybody find out the sex of the baby's

Giovanni - oh well change the name of that shit had me ready to beat yo ass

Faith - Shut up anyway let's do it this Saturday

Giovanni- Bae why wait till Saturday when we can do it now

Faith- Babe stop playing I'm serious

Giovanni-Okay okay if that's what you want baby then that's what you get

Faith-Thank you bae

She kissed me then we went back to watching tv and before I know it she had fell asleep, she loves when I rub her stomach she says it keeps the baby's calm and helps her sleep. After 3 more episodes I ended falling asleep with her in my arms.

King && Queen ♚♛Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora