Chapter 25

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Faith's P.O.V

I was staring down at my babies as they laid next to my bed. I'm so happy that I didn't loose them and I'm so glad that I'm out of that room and away from them. I heard the door open and when I looked up it was my mom and innocent.

Beverly-Oh thank god my baby is ok

Innocent-Hey sissy

Faith-Hey mommy hey sissy I missed you guys so much

I hugged them then Innocent started messing with the twins.

Innocent-Oh my god sissy you guys did a beautiful job they are so gorgeous... My wittle babies, hey auntie babies hey

Beverly-Innocent leave my grand babies alone and let them rest

Innocent-Mommy they're just so cute I just wanna take them home with me

Beverly-Anyway, how are you feeling baby?

Faith-I'm hurt momma I'm tired and I feel worthless

Innocent-Sissy don't ever feel like that you are way more them bitches just caught you at a bad time plus you were pregnant. Do you know who did this?

Faith-Yes, it was Debra and Sam

Innocent-Sam? Sam? Sam? The little nigga from...

Beverly-DEBRA DID THIS? Oh hell no

Faith-Ma calm down its ok

Beverly-Fuck that, that bitch came to my house took my daughter and put my grandkids lives In danger. I got something for that ass

Innocent-Betty white sit yo behind down I'll handle it, now sissy is Sam that nigga from yo school you was telling me about?


Innocent-What the hell did he do?

Faith-He... He raped me and kicked me in the stomach

Innocent-I'll handle this

Faith-Giovanni already did

Nurse-Hi I'm sorry but visiting hours are over

Beverly-Baby get some rest ok we'll see you in the morning I love you

Innocent- I love you sissy

They kissed my cheek then left I laid back In the bed and let sleep take over me.

King && Queen ♚♛Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora