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That morning had glimpses of unwanted rain. Certain things which you want may not be always posssible .

I followed the usual routine the morning prayer was successfully attended ,shower taken and  tooth brushed. I remember how my mother used to stress these things on me when i was with them. But one thing which was down the priority list was food. I loved food but i always took it in at very small amounts and above all i was choosy with food .

Today ,i had to visit Naveen again .I have often felt that  when you dont feel content with your life how can we make others feel the same. I dressed out for the jail with a bag full of hopes.

It was in those days i met with the children and youth in my parish. As priests we had to deliver the holy scripture speech at the end of the service. But the moment i was to open my mouth some men went out of the church cause their cellphone was beeping.

And to the youth it was like giving awful bitter pills . They were sitting under compulsion.I  re-edited by speech and dispersed the faithful.

"sir, get down"-the conductor instructed as if he was  a guide .This usually happened to me-forgetting the most usual things.

 "Hamid, ham..."- i screamed standing in front of the gate.

"oh! father u are early!"-he was racing the burger through his throat and speaking to me at the same time.

"yeah, wanted to come early! "

He opened the creaky door and let me in. Each time i entered that compound i could smell agony of deprived freedom.

"I will call the boy"-Hamid told ,trying to stand straight above his fat belly.

"no hurries"

He left for the boy while i placed myself below the huge trees. Soon i could see a tiny rugged feature coming down the stairs.His uniform ragged with tears than with dirt.

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