Mysterious Power

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(Y/N) was a simple man. He didn't live a particularly interesting life. It could be pretty bland at times. Regardless, he still liked his life. A simple life for a simple man. In his younger years, he had all sorts of fun trying new things. Stuff like martial arts and parkour with friends as well as, of course, video games. 

But now that his mid-20s are coming closer and closer every day he finds himself just taking his life one step at a time. Once he graduated high school the fun activities and the friends he did them with slowly faded into the background. They were then replaced by work, taxes, and plenty of other things that are far less fun than what he did in high school.

However, today was one of his days off. This is why he finds himself walking down the streets of the nearby cities. He was interested in finding a place to eat for dinner as the sun was getting further and further down as he walked. He had a hunger for Mexican food at the moment so he was trying to find a place that would fulfill his desires.

The streets were almost empty with the stray person walking past him every now and again. So that added to his surprise when he was suddenly pulled into an alleyway. 

Before he knew it he was sloppily thrown like a ragdoll to the back of the alleyway.

"Hey, there kid. Sorry about this but I'm going to need to borrow some money from you." A man's voice said. (Y/N) looked up at him to find that he looked considerably older than himself but by the way, he had thrown him, it was safe to say his age wasn't much of a problem for him.

(Y/N) stood up and stared at the man for a second. 'It's been a while but I think I can fight this guy.' (Y/N) thought to himself before putting up his fists.

"Oh? I didn't think you would go straight for a fight but that's fine." The older man said. The man reached for his pocket and (Y/N) took that as a good time to start moving. (Y/N) led with a high kick. The man was cut off guard by the attack but ducked under it nonetheless. The man then pulled out a knife from his pocket and flipped the blade out. He quickly trusted it toward (Y/N) who dodged the blade just in time. 

"Listen, kid. You're not going to like how this ends if you don't give me your money." The man insisted. "If you give me your money now, I'll leave and you'll never have to see me again." He offered.

'My fighting skills are rusty. I barely dodged his attack even though it was such a simple move.' (Y/N) thought mentally. He stayed silent in response to the man.

"C'mon kid, you're making this harder than it has to be." The man sighed before taking a step forward. (Y/N) took a step back in response. The man took another step forward and, once again, (Y/N) took another step back. Suddenly, the man lunged forward with his knife out in his right hand. This time (Y/N) avoided the attack easier but it was still far from as good as he used to be. After stepping to the left of the man's blade he grabbed the man's wrist with his left hand and his shoulder with his right and brought his knee up into the man's gut.

The man stumbled back from the blow but it seemed the effect didn't last long as he stood straight again but with a much angrier face than before. The man didn't speak as he started his small walk back toward (Y/N). (Y/N) didn't need him to speak as he knew exactly what the man would have said if he did say something.

The man, once he got close enough, lunged with his blade again. (Y/N) dodged it again but the man was quick to transition into his next attack as he put the knife in reverse grip and swiped upward at (Y/N). (Y/N) dodged back again only having to block another attack from the man as he brought the knife down still in the reverse grip. (Y/N) blocked it by putting his forearm in front of the man's wrist, stopping his attack. (Y/N) then found out the man was quite skilled with a knife as he watched the man let go of the knife and grab it mid-air with his left hand to swipe again at (Y/N). He once again blocked the attack with his forearm. It was a close call though since the knife was only a few inches from his face. The man then spun himself into a roundhouse kick that connected with (Y/N)'s face.

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