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"So what do you want me to do exactly?" (Y/N) asked.

"Anything. Just use your power." Amelia's voice projected around the room. (Y/N) sighed again and placed his hand on the table. Unlike the tables and chairs in the abandoned office building, these were steel tables. Without any reason to make anything (Y/N) just created the first thing that came to mind.

The table blew apart before reforming into the rough shape of a sword. (Y/N) noticed that the entire table wasn't used in the making of the sword. What wasn't used was now hovering around his arm, waiting to be used. (Y/N) put out his free hand and imagined another sword. The leftovers from the table quickly filled his hand with the item. 

"Just as I thought." Amelia spoke over the speaker, "You can disassemble and reassemble or rearrange anything you touch."

"We already knew that though. This is a waste of time." (Y/N) said. "Also how am I able to use my power right now with this collar on?"

"The collar was made to disabled when inside the test lab," Amelia explained. "Anyway, I just wanted to test the basic function of your power before. We can dive a little deeper now."

"So what do you want me to do?" (Y/N) asked.

"I noticed that you fixed your arm during our fight," Amelia said. "Think you could do something like that again?"

"Probably but I would need to break my arm again," (Y/N) responded. "You're not suggesting I break my arm are you?"

"Of course not..." Amelia said. (Y/N) sighed with relief. "I'm gonna break it for you." Amelia finished.

"What?" (Y/N) said. He then heard the doors open and there stood Amelia with a baseball bat. 

"This will only hurt for a minute." Amelia tried to reassure (Y/N) as she took slow steps toward him.

"Wait, wait, wait!" (Y/N) cried frantically. Amelia ignored his cries as she ran toward (Y/N). (Y/N), naturally, ran for his life and totally didn't scream at the top of his lungs.

-Minutes of Running From the Gremlin Later-

"Okay, I guess that's enough of that test," Amelia said while wiping the sweat and definitely not (Y/N)'s blood from her forehead. "See that wasn't so bad, was it?" Amelia asked innocently.

"Fuck you," (Y/N) replied in agony from his place on the floor.

"Well it seems that your healing ability is quite exceptional," Amelia said, ignoring (Y/N)'s insult.

"Thankfully," (Y/N) said. "I can't believe you were fully willing to break both of my legs without knowing if I could heal them or not."

"It was for science!" Amelia said energetically. "And speaking of science. Let's see if you can heal poisons." Amelia said while she pulled out a syringe with a mysterious blue substance in it.

"Or we could do, not that," (Y/N) said hastily.

"Fine. I didn't want to waste one of my Watson Concoctions on you anyway." Amelia agreed. (Y/N) gave a small "yay" at her agreement. "How about next we try adding onto your body. Like you did before you surrendered to me."

"Okay. What should I combine with?" (Y/N) asked.

"I want you to try something on a smaller scale first. I can have you passing out on me again. You're not easy to carry." Amelia said, handing (Y/N) a glass bottle.

"The hell do you want me to do with this?" (Y/N) questioned.

"I don't care. Just do something." Amelia said, taking a seat in a random chair. (Y/N) sighed at her useless advice. He thought for a few minutes before getting a random idea. He disassembles the glass before reconstructing it on his fingers to make his nails longer and sharper. By the end of it, he had a good substitute for real claws.

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