Chapter 6 - These days

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(Narrators POV)

Piper woke up to her phone ringing beside the bed. She was in a daze forgetting where she was until she felt Alex's embrace holding her close. She rolled over sliding out from under her girlfriend's arm and sitting up to get her phone. Pain surged through her body causing her to gasp but she kept herself quiet not to wake Alex. Her phone rung again. It was her mother.

"Hey Mum" Piper answered as she walked out of the room into the hallway gently closing the door behind her.

"Piper? Oh my gosh, I've been so worried. I called seven times and you didn't answer. You didn't come home last night! Where are you?" She was frantic, her daughter had been missing all night and not picked up her calls.

"Mum I'm sorry, I didn't mean to stress you out, but I just, I couldn't be at home. I am safe though and I slept in the bed last night. I'm ok..." there was a pause for a moment and her mother spoke again in a softer tone this time.

"Was it your father?" Carol new how her husband Bill reacted when he was drunk, she knew how he was violent towards their daughter, but she had always kept the broken side of their family hidden. Even if that meant ignoring the fact that her daughter was consistently covered in bruises or had broken bones, they were blown off a sporting injuries. Anything to keep their family looking perfect from the outside.

"Yeah Mum, it was, that's why I'm not coming home for a few days, and I'll save you the details but I can't go to school either. Mum it was bad this time so please just tell the school that I'm sick or something. I have shelter and I'm with someone that I trust my with my life, so you don't need to worry. Okay" Piper was honest she hated how her mother's swept their broken family under the carpet, but she knew that's how Carol coped so she would go along with it for her mother's sake.

"Okay Piper. I love you"

"I love you too Mum"

Piper hang up the phone and walk back into the bedroom to find Alex still asleep. She slipped back under the covers and into the beautiful girls embrace. To Pipers surprise Alex pulled her closer and kissed her forehead.

(Alex's POV)

"Good morning beautiful" I gave Piper a small smile which she returned with a raised eyebrow questioning my word choice. Yes she was bruised and worn out from the rough night of little sleep but she is still the most beautiful girl is ever seen and I am the one who gets the wake up beside her. My girlfriend.

"Al you're not wearing a glasses. Wanna put them on and try that again?" She handed me my glasses and I squinted at her just to be a tease.

"Hmmmm, nope I still think you're gorgeous" I chuckled then lent forward and lightly kissed her lips.

"Whatever you're blind anyway" She giggled, God I love her laugh.

We were only inches apart looking into each other's eyes when Mum barge through the door startling us both.

"Shit sorry Al I didn't realise you had company"

"Mum it's fine you can look we're clothed" I chuckled at how embarrassed mum was.

"This is Piper..." I paused and watched as Mum looked back towards us with a sweet smile on her face.
"My girlfriend"

Her face lit up along with Pipers as she rushed over to hug us both. Oh Al that's wonderful, and Piper you seem very sweet I saw how you two were looking at each other.

"Hey Mum is it ok if I don't go to school for a few days? I want to stay here and look after Piper"

She looked at Piper and finally noticed the bruising and cuts on her face becoming shocked and tensing up.

"Piper honey what happened? do you need anything right now I can go out and grab it before work"

Pipes scoffed and snuggled into my chest to hide the tears I could feel dampening my shirt

"My dad happened"

She spoke through sniffles.

"I'm sorry dear, and yes Alex you can stay home with her. Make sure she's comfortable." She said with sympathy threaded through her voice.

Before she stepped out the door she turned back to us remembering what she originally came in for.

"Alex I'm sorry but my shifts got changed again and I'm working the next 4 days straight I don't know when I'll see you"

There was sadness in her eyes as she walked out closing the door behind her.

"So babe what do you want to do today?" I pulled Piper out of my chest slightly to look into her blue eyes but when I did they were shut.

"Sleep" she mumbled and lent back into me. I pulled her in wrapping my arms around her to engulf her body and kissing the top of her head.

"Ok pipes."

(Narrators POV)

The next few days are spent with Alex and Piper spending majority of their time cuddling on the couch watching Netflix and having the occasional break to eat. Pipers wounds were healing quickly because she was being pampered and babied by Alex until she was better.

Alex Vause, a softie, who would have thought it.

It was Tuesday night and the girls and decided they would go back to school next week because they didn't want to be without each other, as well as the fact that Piper didn't want to be constantly asked about the marks on her body. She couldn't think about them without tearing up.

They were in the usual spots on the couch, Alex laying on her back up against the armrest Piper clinging to her middle resting her head on the taller girls chest.

"What do you want to do today babe?"

Alex ask kissing Pipers lips softly when she lifted her head.

"Hmmmmmm, I thought maybe we could go for a walk."

"Right now? Pipes baby you know it's like 10:30 at night"

"Yes I do, and I want to go for a walk with my girlfriend"

Alex knows she can't argue with piper when she gets in this mood. It's just too cute.

They end up at a park two blocks over and sit down under a tree looking up at the starts.

"I'm so glad you came into my life Al, I don't know what I would do without you"

Alex wrapped her arms around piper pulling her in closer.

"You know what this reminds me of bub?"

"No?" She looked up at Alex slightly confused.

"Our first kiss, which ended up being more than just a kiss but anyway... You came and sat with me after track"

"Alex I remember it was one of the best days of my life but it was also onely like a month ago"

"I want to spend forever with you Piper. I know it's only been a month but it already feels like a lifetime, and that's what I want. I want a lifetime with you Piper Elizabeth Chapman. I want the good, I want the bad, and I want the ugly, and I want it with you."

Piper looked up into Alex's eyes and brought their lips together. They held eacother resting their foreheads together blanking out everything else in the world. It was just the two of them and that was all they needed.

Piper pulled back with a small smile on her face.

"I want the too"

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