𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓔𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽

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Sorry about the unannounced hiatus, shits been hard lately

here's a flashback chapter  

also, the way they greet each other is similar to them in one of the earlier chapters so yea, that's cute

also new cover, yay


"Theo!" 10-year-old Phillip Hamilton called for his best friend while running through the gate and across the garden.

"Phillip, you must slow down, you know I can't keep up," Eliza, Phillip's very pregnant mother says catching up to him.

"I'm sorry mama, I just want to see Theodosia,"

"I know you miss her, dear. You both have been so busy, this is the first time you have seen her in almost 7 months." she ruffles his curly mess of hair and fixes his clothes a bit. "But still, remember your manners."

"I know mama." he grabs her hand and they walk up the front steps together.

"Would you like to knock?" she asks. Phillip nods and raises his hand to knock on the door, tapping the knuckles of his closed fist on it three times.

"Mama! Mama! Phillip is here!" Theo calls from the bottom of the stairway, eager to see her best friend "Come on mama hurry up!"

"I'm coming dear, just wait, you must be patient."

"Ok, I'll try," There is a knock at the door. "Mama, that's them!" her mother, Theodosia senior, makes her way slowly to the bottom of the stairs and stands next to Theodosia jr. fixing her hair and straightening out her dress.

"You may open the door now, dear." Theo opens the door and Immediately flings herself into Phillip's arms and he hugs her tight.

"Hi, Pip!"

"Hi, Theo! You look very lovely."

"And you look very..." she turns to her mother and tugs on her dress. "Hey mama, what's the word that you taught me? I want to say it to Phillip" she whispers

"Dashing, it's dashing, my dear" She turns back to Phillip.

"You look extremely dashing." she says to him, taking his hand, "would you like to go out to the garden?"

"May we, Mrs. Burr?" Phillip asks.

"Of course dear," she says, so Phillip and Theo run out to the garden hand and hand.

"So, Theodosia, now that the children are gone, how are you feeling?" Eliza says, helping her over to the kitchen.

"I'm feeling quite well today, although I have been getting weaker."

"Oh, I'm quite sorry to hear that, please remember, I am only a few streets over if you need any help, it's not even a ten-minute walk."

"Eliza, you know I could never ask you for help, what with all the children and the new baby coming. And now Alexander's out almost every night for work. On top of all of it, your sister left for London only two months ago, I could never put any more pressure on you, if anything I should be helping you."

"Theodosia, It's alright, I could always get Peggy to watch the children and my daughter Angelica helps, she is learning to be very helpful. Please, I can figure out how to help you."

"I appreciate your offer, Eliza, I do have one thing I must ask you and Abigail though,"

"Anything, Theo."

"I won't live to see Theodosia's tenth birthday, she's only 7  and I don't think I will make it until next year. Can you promise that when I am gone, at least one of you will be there for her? You don't need to be always with her, but have her know you are always there, do the things I can't for me, please. I will ask Abigail to look after her for the first few years because I know you will be raising your children and will not have much time but I trust you two completely to help my little girl. She loves you more than anything, so I promise she will be open to having you two as her support. Now, you don't have to-"

"Theodosia, I don't even have to think twice about that offer, of course, I will, I will always be there for her." she wipes away tears that are threatening to fall. "Now, may we please not think about you being gone,"

"Yes," she gives a soft sad smile but it appears as if she is at peace with the fact that she will be gone soon enough "I'm serving dinner soon so we should call the children."

"You go call the children, I'll take care of setting the table" Theodosia agrees, walking over to the back door.

"Phillip! Theodosia! Come eat dinner!"

"Well be right in!" Theo calls back

"Hey Theo," Phillip says, tapping her on the shoulder.

"Yes, Phillip?" she turns around and he hands her a flower.

"I like you Theo... actually I love you, Theodosia"

"Phillip, that's insane, were only kids,"

"I know... "

"Phillip! Theo! Hurry inside!" Eliza calls 

"I'll race you" Theo whispers to him taking the flowers and getting a head start.

750 words

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