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The league was fighting the pro heroes when Hawks swoops in and aids the heroes giving the villains a disadvantage on their side. Turning to run the pros have the villains surrounded and so they take a hostage. Big mistake... when taking the hostage the hostage out of fear used their quirk which was a gas like substance that you couldn't see in. Once the gas cleared the pros were surprised to see mini versions of the once former league as well as their beloved hero Hawks.

"What the hell?!" Present Mic yelled startling the kids and they began to cry. Eraserhead glared at the blonde while the kids hid behind him in fear. Looking around the pros spotted the one responsible for the damage caused.

"You," Eraserhead said grabbing the girl by the arm, "how do you reverse this?" The female shook in fear and shook her head.

"I can't," she said shakily, "but it'll wear off," she said almost positive.

"When? How?" Present Mic asked as he felt a tug on his pants. Looking down toga was looking up at him with big innocent eyes as she made grabby hands toward him. Sighing he picked up the toddler and properly sat her on his hip.

"Unfortunately, my quirk is called baby so anything my gas touches is reduced to that of a childlike status. Both the mind and body is reduced. It usually wears off after a few years....but my mom said that whoever gets hit with my quirk if they experience an act of true happiness they will revert back to their original state that way. If not it takes 3 years to wear off. I'm sorry," she said hurrying her breath. Sighing the pros turn to each other and sighed.

"Then who are you?" They asked the girl.

"Bambii Rogers, I am 15 years old," the girl known as Bambii introduced herself. "I currently attend UA support course."

"That changes starting today," Eraserhead told her. She looked at him confused, "you're their babysitter now until this quirk wears off Bc these are very dangerous criminals they can't be left alone, and since you caused this you are to take actions until this wears off you'll be in class 1A and in a dormitory until further notice," sighing Bambii nods somberly and turn to the kids in question; there was 7 including the pro hero Hawks. As for the others she didn't know who they were. A hand touched Bambii firmly.

"Turn them back now," the voice said deeply startling the girl and once again her has touched the victim turning them into a mist like child.

"Giri!" One of the kids smiled widely at the most child.

"Make that 8 kids you are in charge of," Present Mic said as he rolled to sleeping child on his other shoulder.

"Um excuse me," Bambii said shyly, "but aside from Hawks i don't know who the other kids are or how they are dangerous criminals," the pros shared a look.

"The league of villains, ever heard of them." Shaking her head negatively the frowned. "You can't be serious,"

"I am, I don't get out much and besides school I take care of my ill parents and little brother,"

"Very well listen up because I'm only going to explain it once then we are heading to UA." And explained he did from start to finish Bambii learned everybody's names, ages they are supposed to be, their quirks, and what their crimes were. To stay she was shocked was an understatement. They look so harmless now.

The table was filled with all of UA staff and principal when they got there. The kids were on a leash that Bambii carried around in case of emergency with little cuffs connecting them so they didn't wander or get lost.

"Is this the girl Aizawa?" Nezu asked sipping his tea.

"Yes sir I already explained her duties to her and that she will be in class 1A until this blows over."

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