the dinner (32)

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* y/n's pov*

Today's been pretty and Louis slept in till 1ish and then grabbed something to eat before heading to late living room and continuing our marvel marathon and it was now dinner time and Chris was gonna be here in an hour

Mum was freaking out about what to wear and dragged me up to her room with Louis and Hazel following behind

"I need help on picking something out" she pleaded

"I'm 14 I don't know anything about fashion"

"Come onn help you mum out" Louis said nudging my shoulder

"I didn't say I wasn't gonna help I just said I don't know anything about fashion" I say sending him a playful glare

*time skip to after the outfit is picked*

It took a while and there were clothes all over the place but we finally found the outfit

Louis was laying on the ground playing with Hazel while my mum did her make up I handed her the things she asked for

Once she was done with her make up she shooed us out of her room so she could get changed

"Well that was something" I say


Around 10 minutes later mum came down with her outfit on and her hair and make up done

"Oooooo you look niceeee" I say hyping her up

"Thanks hun" she laughed

"Chris is gonna be happy also I told him if he had you home before midnight it would be greatly appreciated" I smiled

"Will won't be at dinner for that long don't worry the latest is maybe 11 if we hang out after but I'll be back before midnight" she laughed

Just then there was a knock on the door

"ILL GET IT" I yelled and ran to the door Louis following behind

"Why hell Mr.evans" I say opening the door more so he can walk in

"Hello to you to" he said giving me a weird look while laughing

"Are you sure you don't want to come with us" he asked as we waited for mum

"Yeah I'm sure you guys need more excuses for spending time together sooo I'm giving you one" I say smiling

"We arent- we are not making excuses-" he says wide eyed

"Oh please I'm 14 not dumb okay well actually I'm pretty dumb but besides the point" I say casually

"My mum likes you you like my mum hence the excuses to see eachother" I say smirking once I see his reaction

"Listen to niky" I say

"Niky?" He asks confuse

"Yeah don't you know their saying? 'Just do it' " I say making them laugh

Our conversation was interrupted by mum finally coming into the room

They both stared at eachother completely forgetting me and Louis were here

"Yeah so this is awkward sooo why don't you go now so then you can check eachother out after...out of the sight of two 14 year Olds" I say making them both look at us

"Oooo look you remembered you were here" I smirk

"Okay now out you're gonna be late" I say shooing them out

"Okay okay Jeez no need to shoo us away, now you remember the rules" she says once they are standing outside

"Yes no parties which I don't know who I would even invite?, no drugs, no alcohol don't know where I would get those, no letting strangers in, no answering the door blah blah blah, and no funny business" I say listing off the things she told us

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