paparazzi (33)

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TW⚠️ panic attack ill put a warning before it starts and after it ends

*y/n's pov*

This was bad. Like bad bad honestly how could I have been so stupid? Who is stupid enough to lead someone to their home?

Deep breathes deep breathes in 1...2...3.. out 1...2...3.. nope okay time to call mum

'Hey is everything okay?'

'No I'm sorry I didn't mean to I- I didn't know they were following us i-' I quickly said

'Slowed down what happened? Who followed you?'

'The paparazzi'

'What do you mean start from the beginning okay?'

'Me and Louis decided to take Hazel on a walk since it was still daylight out and 10 minutes into the walk i noticed flashes of lights so I whispered and told Louis and we started walking faster and then they started following us and I wasn't thinking and I came home and now they are out side...I'm so sorry I didn't mean to I just didn't know what to do' i say my voice breaking

'Hey its okay listen to me okay? Are you guys safe inside? Are all the windows and doors locked?' She says whisperering something to who I assume was Chris

'Uh I think hold on' I say wiping my tears and getting up to check the doors and windows

"Can you check the back doors and windows back there?" I ask

"Yeah of course" he said jogging off to the back

I quickly went to the front door to double check that it was locked which it was before I moved to the Windows

While I was locking the windows I could see all the flashes going off and all the people gathered in our front yard screaming a million questions at once

Stay calm y/n It's okay deep breathes

I closed the blinds before going back to the kitchen

'Okay they are all locked' I say once Louis comes back

'Okay we are on our way back okay? Do not and I mean DO NOT open the door for anyone ill use my key okay? And call 911'



I hung up before she could say anything else and that's when the panic set in

"Oh god not again" I say trying to stay calm

"Hey- Hey look at me" Louis said

"I'm not gonna say its okay because obviously none of this is okay but I will help calm you down okay? Try to follow my breathing in 1...2...3.. thats it out 1...2...3..." he said placing his hands on my shoulders

We did that for 5 minutes and I finally started to calm down


"T-thank you" I say in a hoarse voice

"Its what friends do" He said shrugging

We were sat on the couch Louis was on the phone with the cops while we were waiting for mum and Chris to arrive when something came flying through the window hitting my leg Making me scream out in surprise and pain

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