[CH1: Prologue]

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They say when you die, your whole life flashes before your eyes.

It is said that this occurs due to the individual's instinct to survive. They automatically search their memories for a means to overcome death.

Well, this is a testimony of an individual who had no such experience.

And yet, overcame death.


Lying weakly on the floor, Nick's mind wondered randomly.

With his Manna nearing zero, and his Health not far behind, He was pretty much at the end of the road.

He had been through a lot, and harder survived a whole lot more. But–

'I have no regrets though' he though faintly.

Yeah right. He snickered.

Living in a world you created without being a part of it was bad.

But going to college three times was just sad.

Then there was that time when he had encouraged Anita to go for a raid, only to find out she never returned.

Or was it the time he taught that damn Duchess how to fully harness her power, only to find out she was an Underworld boss.

Even the time he was being a bitch at work, and caused all his employees to despise him, even Victoria

Especially Victoria.

Or when he saw people he had fought with being killed left and right and yet was unable to do anything about it. And it didn't help that he was a [Chronomancer] yet he was unable to give his friends just a bit more time.

That feeling of weakness was one of the worst

Oh, let's not forget how he was a wimp and refused to accept Yue'er. Well that was one big regret alright.

"F*ck 'no regrets'! I have a whole bunch ov'em—bluergh" he cursed aloud, followed by a bout of coughing and blood

*clop *clop *clop

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Nick looked up weakly.

The area around him was dark. A full moon hidden within the clouds barely illuminated the area, casting shadows around the edges. It was an open space, with four-meter tall stone fences surrounding it almost completely. It gave of the feeling of being in the center of a maze made of stone.

And that is exactly what it was.

Surrounding him were a few 'sculptures' scattered randomly in the area that seem to have been made with a strange grey material resembling ice.

If one were to view the maze from a birds eye view, they would notice similar 'sculptures' placed randomly in the corridors, leading to the spacious center where Nick currently was.

The 'sculptures' were in various positions. Some in the middle of throwing out a punch, others with hands crossed in front of their chest as if blocking a strike. A few seemed to be running in random directions.

There was even one stuck in midair a few feet above ground, held in place by an incomprehensible force. This one seems to have been thrown into the air by a strike to the gut.

Nick couldn't help but grin as he saw the scene. It was a testament of  the power he had accumulated over this short time.

Over fifty A-Rank Mercenaries, and an A+ Rank,  yet all of them were subject to an "eternal life" as inanimate sculptures.

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