Knifes explosions and toasters

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I sit down next to Jeff again still thinking of what happened " Ash truth or dare " Jeff asks. Ash says dare Jeff laughs evilly to himself. "stick a knife in the toaster" next thing i know me Ash luka and Jeff are in the kitchen Ash is armed with a knife and staring at the toaster with a look on his face I can read like a book. The famous " wtf am I doing with my life " look I know all too well. Luka knows what is going to happen I can see it on his face. Then ash sticks the knife in the toaster.

Next thing I know the toaster explodes sending ash flying Luka laughing and Jeff shielding me from the toaster bits flying everywhere along with some toaster strudel bits. After it calms down and the mess gets cleaned up back to truth or dare I say " it's a shame.. what a waste of perfectly good toaster strudels.. " making Luka giggle. Out of nowhere Luka says " ash went whee " making Jeff and me giggle with ash staring at Luka. Luka knowing this look shuts up.
We play it all day until we all get tired. I walk to my room and I pass out on my bed and dream of my dad.

I wake up in a cold sweat from the nightmare with only my lamp lighting the room so I can see. I'm not scared of the dark it's just that I hate being not able to see. I look around and come to realize I'm not at my dad's anymore.
I sigh and walk outside and sit on the porch swing on the porch and stare at the sky. I rock myself gently A small tear rolls down my face. And I fall Into a peaceful state of sleep.

I wake up to arrow standing over me " oh sup " I say stretching My sore limbs.
" Morning arrow says. " I look at a small box he has in his hands " what's that? " I ask he grins from ear to ear " I practice knife tricks. Mostly knife throwing " he states. I remember seeing him throw knives outside my bedroom window at the ass crack of dawn every morning. We have a small chat and i go back into the house And I see Jeff watching TV in the living room. His eyes meet mine and he winks at me sending chills down my spine. I fastly walk to my room and close the door.

I grab another book and i start reading something new. A horror novel. About a young boy with schizophrenia and a sassy attitude whos being hunted by nightmarish creatures called " zemrons " I zone into it and the next thing I know it's already evening time." I could have sworn it was moring five seconds ago. " I say. I get up from my bed Stretch my limbs and walk out in search of Jeff to hang out with him. To my surprise Jeff's at the lake side watching the sunset by himself. I stare at him in awe but I decide to climb to the roof of the mansion and sit there and watch him To get a better angle. Without a word I watch him stare at the sun for a few minutes His beautiful black hair sways in the breeze like a majestic stallion and soon he gets bored and goes back in.

I follow..

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